Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 11
Glenn winked at the girl as he rose from his desk, towering over her. “That was my cue. I’ll talk to you later, Kristina.”
“Bye Glenn, and thanks.”
Suzanne frowned, watching the exchange. She was jealous! She fought back tears as she sped hastily to her car, trying to ignore the burning to her aching bottom as the skin rubbed against the silk.
“Suz? Hey! Wait up. What is wrong with you?” Glenn asked, trotting up next to her.
“Get in the car,” she ordered.
Glenn grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him. He held her arms firmly as he looked her directly in the eye. “What is going on? You need to talk to me.”
“Let go, young man or..”
“No. You listen here. I love you. Regardless of what roles we take, I am still your partner and need to be allowed to be there for you when you need me. I might be your sub, but I’m also a man. Talk to me, Suz!”
“We have a dinner date with Bry and Rob tonight. I need time to get ready,” Suzanne stated, ignoring him as she adjusted the driver’s seat, flinching.
Glenn frowned, leaning through the door. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine. Just a sore back. Hurry up.”
Glenn eyed the woman as they drove back to her place. Suzanne kept silent, although her eyes showed welling tears on several occasions during the ride. Without a word, she parked her car, got out and walked into the house and upstairs to her room. She locked the door behind her. Dread filled Glenn’s heart. Was she angry with him? Or, even worse, bored? Was this dinner to soften the blow for when she broke up with him? No, even Suzanne wasn’t that cowardly. He picked up the phone.
“Cass? It’s me. Is Rob home?”
“He’s in the shower. I guess you guys are going out while I have homework to do,” his sister pouted.
“Have you heard anything? I mean, about me and Suz?”
“Nothing. What's going on?”
“I don’t know. I’m getting the feeling she wants to break up with me,” he admitted sadly.
“Oh, Glenn…. I’m sorry, but I wish I could tell you something. What’s been going on?”
“That’s just it, she won’t talk to me. Let me know if you hear anything, ok, sis?”
“Absolutely. Do you still want to talk to Rob?”
“No. I’ll wait. Oh yeah, I met Bryon’s girlfriend today. She’s really cute and very sweet. No wonder he’s wild about her.”
“Is Suzanne going to dinner with you tonight?” Cassie asked, “And what about Kristina? Is she going too?”
“Suz is, I don’t know about Krissy. I wish you could be here.”
“Bryon leaves me out of everything since he met that chick.” Cassie grumbled.
“Can you blame him? I’m telling you, she’s a knock-out.”
That was NOT what Cassie wanted to hear. “See ya later, G.”
“K. Bye, kid,” Glenn responded, oblivious to her disgruntled tone, and hung up the phone. He listened for the water upstairs to turn off before venturing up to Suzanne’s room. “Let me in. I need to clean up.” He knocked on the door.
“In a minute. I’m getting dressed.”
Glenn wrinkled his brow. She was never modest in front of him, not even when she was on her monthly. The door unlocked a few minutes later and he watched as she continued to ready herself. He walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her slender waist and kissing the nape of her neck.
“I love you, Suz. Let me know how I can help you.”
Suzanne stared at their reflection in the mirror and broke into tears, turning herself around to kiss him. “I love you, too. I just think one day you are going to want a younger, less bitchy woman.”
“Younger, no. Less bitchy… that would be nice. Is that what's happening? You’re feeling insecure about us?”
“I didn’t think so, until I saw you talking with that girl,” Suzanne said bitterly, leaning her head into his shoulder.
“Kristina knows about us. She figured it out on her own. She was worried about you and had asked if there was anything she could help with.”
“She was worried about me? Why?”
“Maybe because you aren’t acting like yourself. I’m worried about you too. I’m concerned that you are growing bored of me and want to break up,” Glenn admitted, closing his eyes as he held her tightly.
“No! I… there are other things going on that I’m having issues with. I promise, I don’t want to lose you.”
“What's the dinner about tonight, then? My brothers, me and you? Is Kristina going to be there?”
“No, it’s just the four of us. The boys are Tops, you’re my partner and I’m having some problems I need help with. Bryon insisted.”
“Bryon? Usually Rob’s the one being bossy.”
“Not this time. They seem to be balancing each other. Rob’s mellowing out a bit and Bryon’s being the hard-ass.”
“Ok. Let me get dressed and we’ll go. I’m driving.”
“No, you are….” Glenn gave her a look that surprised her. Sighing, she nodded, “Okay, you can drive.”
Suzanne sat uncomfortably on the hard chair at their table, shooting filthy looks in Bryon’s direction. He had specifically asked for the table at the far end of the room in lieu of a booth. She knew exactly why. The three brothers happily caught up on things, arguing over game plays, bad calls and ideas for Cassie’s 21st birthday celebration.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight, Suz. Usually you’re putting in your two cents,” Rob observed.
“She’s pouting. Cut it out, Suzanne,” Bryon ordered.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Bry. She’s not having a good day,” Glenn spoke up.
“I should say not. She’s sitting on a very red bottom in a very hard chair.”
“What!?” Glenn turned to see Suzanne blush. His eyes grew dark as he glared at his older brother. “You Spanked her?”
“Yep. Was signed, sealed and delivered by yours truly. And well-deserved, don’t you agree, Ms. Bichat?”
“Calm down, Glenn. I got what was warranted. I haven’t been a very good example lately and, as you pointed out, a little too bitchy.”
“Bryon, outside!” Glenn hissed, standing abruptly. Bryon raised his eyebrow and stood to follow his brother out to the parking lot. They paused under some trees where Glenn glared into his older brother’s face.
“What’s up, Giggles? OOOFFF!” Bryon grunted as Glenn’s fist landed square in his gut.
“Don’t you ever lay a hand on my woman again, hear me?”
Bryon blocked a second blow. “Whoa, slow down. Damn, you got me,” Bryon rubbed his stomach. “You’ve been working out. Suz pushed me to it. She needs a strong hand now and then and didn’t feel you were comfortable in being that way for her.”
“I’m her boyfriend!”
“Yes, but you’re also her sub. Unless you are going to consider switching, she’s going to need our help. Just like her need to mother Cassie.”
“What’s switching?” Glenn still had a fist ready, which Bryon eyed carefully.
“It’s when D&S partners trade positions as Top and Bottom. You need to be genuinely interested, though, otherwise you won’t fulfill her need. Glenn, hear me out. Tops have limitations too, just like our subs. Suz is a strong, intelligent woman but there are times she needs to allow herself to let go of her control and be told what to do and how to do it. Not so much in that she wants to BE a little girl, like Cassie, but that she doesn’t want the responsibilities of being a big girl for a while. And when she screws up, she wants consequences. It reminds her that someone cares about her.”
“I don’t believe you,” Glenn snarled, ready to punch his brother again.
Bryon sighed. “I’ve never lied to you, have I? I’m your big brother, I would do anything in the world to help you. If my topping Suz helps your relationship with her, would you want me to stop?” When Bryon did not receive an answer, he reached in to hug Glenn. “I’m sorry I called you Gig
gles. I need to stop teasing you. Are we good?”
“I want to slug you once more,” Glenn growled.
Bryon held up his hands. “Not that I would try to stop you, but you already landed pretty good into me. You should think about boxing. I never knew you had such a potent punch.”
Glenn huffed and walked back into the restaurant with Bryon on his heels. Suzanne and Rob were talking and stopped when the two joined them.
“Everything alright?” Rob asked, raising an eyebrow as he studied his younger brothers.
“Just a misunderstanding. We’re good.” Bryon said, winking at Glenn.
“You two aren’t fighting, are you?” Suzanne sounded worried, clutching Glenn’s arm.
He eyed his brothers then shook his head. “We’re fine, hon. Bry had to ‘do me some learning,’”
“Bryon?” Suzanne asked, frowning. She held Glenn’s hand as he started to stroke her thigh under the table.
“We talked briefly about your little escapade with me today. By the way, we need to get this kid into the boxing ring. He’s got a killer right hook.”
“You punched Bryon? Are you crazy?” Suzanne gawked.
“No, pissed. I didn’t like him hurting you.”
“Ok, I’m calling a Time Out,” Rob announced, signaling with his hand, “Let’s lay this on the table. Suzanne, you’re in the hot seat…”
“Literally,” Bryon interrupted. Rob elbowed him sharply.
“Shut your yap. You are to come clean, young lady. Right here and now.”
“Rob, don’t you talk to her like that,” Glenn said warningly.
Rob raised his eyebrow. “Do you want to take me outside next? You know damn well I don’t take a punch quietly. Suzanne?”
“Glenn, baby, it’s okay. I respect Rob and Bryon. As friends and as Doms. Even we have a chain of command that I can’t argue with for long. I need their strength and correction as much as I need your love, support and submission. I didn’t realize there was still some subby left inside of me.”
“I want to discuss this with you when we get home tonight. Privately.” Glenn said with firmness in his tone that made his brothers’ smile as Suzanne quietly nodded. So, the boy had some of their blood in him after all!
Upon Rob’s urging, Suzanne laid out her needs, fears, insecurities and frustrations. Glenn looked shocked and a little angry with himself for not having recognized the signs she had sent. When she was finished, she had her hands in her lap and was staring down at her napkin shamefully.
“You look like a chastised child, Miss Suzanne. Perk up. No one here is judging you,” Rob said gently, reaching across to tap the bridge of her nose. She quickly excused herself to go to the ladies room.
“Glenn? I want you to go home with your lady and the two of you have a good, long talk. Don’t engage in something you aren’t comfortable with, though, ok?” Rob advised after she left the room. “If she needs more severe discipline, let one of us handle it. Require that she tell you beforehand, though, out of respect and trust.”
“I wish I could be what she needs,” Glenn sounded sad.
Bryon kicked his brother gently. “You are everything she needs, including our brother. You’ll understand more as you grow in the scene, Glennster. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, either.”
“K. Sorry about slugging you, man.”
“No, you aren’t,” Bryon laughed loudly, “but thanks for the pretense.”
Chapter Nine
Cassie sat at the kitchen table that evening, moping about her assignment and being left home alone. She knew she was playing with fire when she poured herself a glass of wine. She didn’t care. KRISSY probably got to go out with them. Krissy this and Krissy that, the perfect wannabe sub. Bitch.
“Shit,” Cassie mumbled, lifting the now-empty bottle. She stood up and grabbed the edge of the table to steady herself, “I know there’s more here somewhere.”
She fumbled around in the cabinets and finally procured a bottle of coconut rum from the cabinet over the refrigerator. She grabbed a carton of orange juice and high-tailed it out the back door. She sipped her ‘Cuban Screw’ from the container and began walking through the backwoods around the lake. She didn’t care where she was going and only wanted to be as far from Perfect Kristina Something-or-other Barker who was out to destroy her nearly perfect life.
“Cass? Sweetheart, we’re home.” Rob called out, hanging up his jacket and glancing around.
“I need my little girl hug. Cassie?” Bryon also called, “Her stuff’s on the table. Oh damn… ROB!”
“What? Did you find her? Oh, no, she didn’t!’ Rob bellowed, seeing the empty wine bottle and glass lying next to her homework. “She is in SO much trouble this time.”
“Double it. Let’s go find her,” Bryon handed Rob a flashlight and they went outside.
“Let’s go separately. You get cell phone reception out here so keep in contact.”
“The one who finds her gets first crack right there and then,” Bryon rumbled.
“And all the way home,” Rob agreed, “Then we switch.”
Cassie yawned, frowning as she tripped over a cypress knee and stepped into some mud. “This is gross. Phew, what reeks? Oh damn, Damn, DAMN!” she complained, her juice carton empty. She tossed it aside and stumbled again, collapsing next to a tree. She suddenly didn’t feel very well. Her world started to spin wildly as she looked out over the moon-lit lake and rippling water. Her stomach began churning uncomfortably.
“There you are!” Bryon yelled out, running to where she sat, “ Oh God, baby, are you ok? YOU’RE DRUNK!!” he roared.
“Did you have a fun night without me?” Cassie snarled, moving away from him as he sat down next to her.
“Why are you shit-faced?” Bryon demanded, pulling her to face him.
“What’s it to you, Bryon? You have a new life that doesn’t include me.”
“What the HELL are you talking about? Oh, boy….” he said, holding back her hair as she started to puke. He called Rob and described their location and Cassie’s unpleasant condition. She was still vomiting when he arrived, so drunk she couldn’t hold her own head off the ground.
“Give her to me,” Rob barked, picking the girl up and walking to the edge of the lake. He waded into the icy cold water and dropped her, watching her sink under.
Cassie rushed to the surface, suddenly very alert. “Why did you do that?!” she demanded, standing up and holding her arms across her chest.
“It’s a quick way to sober you up and get you home. It’s also instant anti-emetic. Start walking before you catch a chill.”
“Don’t walk, run. You had better be cleaned off and ready for bed by the time we get back there, young lady.” Bryon commanded, hands on his hips as he glared down at her.
She stomped her foot. “What do you care anyway? Let me guess, perfect Kristina Barker doesn’t do anything wrong!” With that, Cassie took off running, her anger and jealousy propelling her feet.
Rob sat down next to Bryon, looking out at the lake. “This is not going to be a pleasant evening for either of us. Do you hear how jealous she is?”
“I don’t get it. I’m not gone much more than usual. Have I neglected her? I know she’s possessive, but still….”
“Don’t you remember how she got in Suzanne’s face when they first met? This time, though, it sounds like she feels she’s competing for the relationship as well as your attention.”
“She’s gotten my attention, all right. And not in a good way,” Bryon sighed sadly, shaking his head. Rob stood, reaching his hand out to heave his unhappy brother up off the ground and then clapped him on the shoulder. “Cheer up, Bro. This, too, shall pass.”
Bryon stayed quiet as they slowly made their way back to the house. He wished he could be more like Rob when it came to disciplining Cassie. Rob was all business and had no problems in detaching his feelings from the session. Bryon, on the other hand, sometimes felt that he perso
nally experienced everything he handed out.
Rob eyed him. “I can handle all this, Bry. She’s my responsibility,” Rob volunteered.
“Not true. She needs to get a little taste of her daddy’s strap. That is,” he said, staring at the girl passed out on the couch, “when she wakes up from her drunken rebellion. She’s too shit-faced.”
“Agreed. What are you doing tomorrow night after work?”
“I have a date with Krissy. I could cancel it…”
“No, don’t do that. I just want to make sure that you have time for Cass when we’re done. Especially with how she’s feeling about Kristina. We need to be careful otherwise we might end up with a chick fight.”
“She had better not. I won’t put up with behavior like that. Let’s put her to bed and plan for Friday, then. It will give her something to talk with Suzanne about over the weekend when we’re gone.”
“Good idea. Damn, she’s like a rag doll.”
They tucked her into bed and laid down on either side of her, watching as she slept. Bryon touched her cheek. “Rob? What am I going to do? If she and Krissy have problems….”
“Then WE handle it as though we have two little girls that don’t get along. They will both be given Time Outs and educated in proper behavior. Our little one here is the instigator and will be issued strict boundaries.”
“I don’t know…. I suspect Krissy isn’t really going to want to share me, either.”
“Then she will have to deal with her Uncle Rob. Let’s worry about that when the time comes. I’m going to sleep.”
“Do you care if I stay in here tonight with you guys? I want to be here for her if she wakes up.”
“You’re a good dad, Bry,” Rob chuckled, “Of course. Just stay on your side of the bed and don’t try to cuddle me, ok?”
“Don’t flatter yourself. You are so not my type.”
After changing for bed, with Cassie between them, the two brothers chatted, recalling their frequent camping trips together when they were kids. Cassie slept through their long walk down memory lane and the reminiscence of all the pranks they used to pull together on their father.