Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 13
Cassie was crying so hard that she didn’t even realize when Bill had stopped the punishment. He held her in place, staring at her welted little bottom, suddenly sad. “I’m sorry I was so rough on you,” he said softly, pulling her to sit up and draw her into his arms.
Cassie just cried, holding his neck. “I’m sorry I pushed you into having to be so rough. Bill… Dad, please forgive me.”
“All is forgiven, my girl. And forgotten. For me, at least. You finally called me Daddy,” he smiled, kissing her cheek as he wiped her face with his hand. “Go wash your face and we’ll go out for ice cream.”
“Huh?” Cassie looked confused.
Bill shrugged, helping her step back into her jeans. “You wanted to be treated like one of my sons. Didn’t they tell you that I always took them out for ice cream if I had to punish them? It was to show all was done with.”
“No, they never said anything about it. It’s pouring out, are you sure?”
“We could go to Denny’s and get some hot cocoa.”
“I will never go to Denny’s as long as SHE works there.”
“Cassandra that is enough. Bryon deserves to have a nice girl in his life, so don’t you dare ruin it for him.” Bill scolded, arms crossed.
Cassie stared at the ground. “Can we go to Cold Stone?”
“Meet me in the car when you’re ready,” Bill smiled, kissing her temple and then leaving the room.
As Cassie squirmed in her seat, she saw Bill smile while glancing at her. That butthead! The ride and ‘ice cream time’ forced her to sit on her sore bottom and remind her of the punishment! She now knew where Rob inherited his sadistic nature.
Chapter Ten
Bryon came by the house to pick Cassie up after work. She was sleeping in her old room when he peeked through the door.
“Hey son, I didn’t hear you come in.” Bill whispered from behind him.
“Hi, Pop,” Bryon hugged his father, “How was she today?”
“Well, we had an interesting turn of events. Come sit a spell. Beer?”
“No thanks. What did she do this time?”
Bill poured out the story of his day from beginning to end.
Bryon’s mouth hung open. “You Spanked her? For real?”
“Yeah, for real. I hated doing it, but she seemed to need it as much as I needed to do it. I feel like her father for the very first time.”
Bryon felt himself bristle. How could he be jealous of the man who had the legal right to call himself Cassie’s father?
Bill eyed his son, noticing the silence. “She’s terrified of losing you in that role. I also understand why she’s been so desperate to have it played out. I failed as a father to her. My intentions were good, but I never knew that she wanted guidance as much as she actually needed it. I’m glad you had the foresight to step in and give it to her.”
“Is she calling you Daddy now?” Bryon tried to hide his growl.
“No, I told her that you had dibs on that. She’s calling me Dad. Finally.” Bill reached over to squeeze his largest son’s wrist, “You’ve done well with her. Thank you. It means a lot to me.”
“Rob’s done the work. I’m just an adjunct.”
“Like hell you are. You need to know some things, Bry. She thinks you are dumping her for this Kristina gal. That’s why she asked for me to step in and be a dad for when she needs it.”
“You are her Dad, Pop,” Bryon said sullenly.
“I’m her step-father. Until this afternoon, that’s all I’ve been to her. A stranger that provided for her physical needs. You boys provided the emotional ones.”
“That’s all she allowed you to give her until today. It’s not your fault.”
“I should have known better and not treated her differently than I did you boys. I thought I was helping. My lack of consistency was the thing that hurt her worse.”
“Pop, her father dumped her and Marge. He’s the bastard who hurt her worse. None of us knew how she felt until a few months ago. You used to tell us that hindsight is always 20/20, right? We all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. Remember when you told me to watch my flank when I was 15?”
“Yeah. You thought you were too big to be brought down. It ended up with a busted arm.”
“My pride got in the way and I got sacked. Pop, please be a father to Cass. She needs you.”
“Bryon, you are not going to abandon her!”
“Oh God, never! She just needs to know she has all of us on the field with her. I have a date tonight, do you mind if she just stays here until I get home? I think it would be good for her to have some quiet time with you.”
“Fine with me. Just let Rob know. He’s a bit possessive of her.”
“Just a little. I’m gonna get cleaned up and get going. I should be back by elevenish.”
* * *
“How’s my baby girl doing tonight?” Bryon asked, pulling Kristina into his arms and landing a big kiss on her lips.
“I missed you. Do we have to study tonight?”
“Yes, we have to study. How’s the journal coming?”
“Good. I’m getting more and more insight. Hey, Bry? Is Suzanne ok? She looked like shit yesterday and Glenn didn’t know what was wrong.” Kristina sipped her coffee, eyeing him carefully.
“So, you finally met my kid brother. What did you think?”
“He’s a sweetheart and sounds just like you. So? Is she ok?”
“I guess so. She seemed normal to me when I saw her yesterday morning.”
“You saw her?” Kristina asked, feeling the little green monster rise.
“Yeah, I came by to say hi. She’s my best friend, so why the look?”
“No reason. Just feeling a bit insecure.”
“What is it with you women and jealousy? All three of you! Cut it out before I get annoyed, ok?”
“What did I do?” Kristina asked, tears in her eyes following his sharp comment.
Bryon sighed, taking her hand and kissing the palm. “I’m sorry, Krissy,” he said, “I’m having female problems.”
“Have you tried Midol?”
“Don’t be a smart-ass. Cassie is up in arms thinking I’m going to abandon her because I’m involved with you; Suzanne thinks she is too old to hang onto Glenn; and you…”
“Will you let Cassie go if you’re involved with me?” Kristina asked, her voice hard.
“No. She’s part of the package. She will always be my baby sister and my little girl.”
“What if I don’t want to share you like that?” Kristina asked. Bryon leaned forward to look into her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter what you want, young lady. I decide how things will be. If you are involved with me as your Papa, then you will have a younger sister. There will be no discussion there. You will also inherit a new uncle, an aunt, a cousin, and a grandpa. I told you about this already.”
“She obviously isn’t going to want me in her way. What then?”
“Rob and I will handle it. Are you looking for trouble, Kris?”
“No. I’m just being a bit bratty. Sorry.”
“I think you need to remember your place, little girl. It starts by speaking to me with the proper respect.”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Better. Now, if I keep getting this attitude from you, I will have to discipline you. Do you want that?”
“No, sir,” Kristina said meekly.
“Are you going to trust me to do what’s best for all of us?”
“I’ll try.”
“Fair enough. Now, let’s get to work. Is truth always honest and is honesty always truthful?”
“I hate philosophy,” Kristina groaned, hiding her face in the arms.
“Do you really? Or do you just think you hate it?”
“It’s the honest truth. I hate it.”
Bryon laughed, and continued with the study.
After taking Kristina back to her dorm and kissing her good night, Bryon returned to Bill’s house. Cassie was snuggl
ed next to his father on the new couch, watching TV and eating popcorn.
“Move over. What’s on?” Bryon asked, sitting down and landing a hearty kiss on Cassie’s cheek.
“Reruns. Did you have fun tonight?” Cassie asked bitterly.
“Not really. We studied philosophy and argued.”
“You let her argue with you?” Cassie asked shocked.
“Cassandra, hush your mouth. What happened? Are you ok?” Bill asked kindly.
“Not really. It seems that my two girls are trying to make me choose between them. I told Kristina that I would not even consider letting Cass go and that she’s part of the package.”
“Oh, no. Bry…”
“Don’t worry, Pop. If she’s the right one, then she’ll accept that part of my life. If not, then there is someone out there who will.”
“Son, are you sure you want to take this stand?”
“I am NOT letting go of my Cassie. No matter the cost.” Bryon said firmly, his arm around Cassie possessively.
“Do you have anything to say about this, young lady?” Bill asked with a frown, “Your brother is ready to sacrifice someone he might fall love with for you.”
“I’d say good riddance to her, then.”
“Cassandra!” Bill raised his voice, “Get up to your room and think about how selfish you are being. And don’t you dare slam that door.”
The two men watched her stomp away and waited for the slam. It did not come.
“I guess you got her attention after all, Pop.” Bryon grinned.
“Seems like it. So, are you really having that much trouble with Kristina?”
“I exaggerated a little, but the evening didn’t start off well. I had to pull rank. I am serious, though, I will not let go of Cass. I also informed her of the additional members of the family she would have to deal with, including you, grandpa. It’s a lot of stuff for someone who’s never been exposed to this type of environment.”
“Grandpa? Gee, thanks. I can’t blame her, though. I hope you understand that you won’t always be able to spank these girls into compliance.”
“Maybe not, but it’s fun trying. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to take my little brat home.”
“Sure thing. Lock the door on your way out. I’m hitting the sack.”
“Kay. Night, Pop.”
Bryon sent Cassie straight to bed once they arrived back at the farm. Rob frowned when she ran past him without even saying ‘hello.’
“Alright, what now?” Rob groaned, putting the newspaper aside and waiting for his brother to join him. Bryon quickly relayed the day’s incidents, including the jealousy issues noticed between the two younger girls.
“Mr. Popular, huh? “Rob grunted, “What are we going to do about this?”
“We are going to nip it in the bud whenever it rears its ugly head. Don’t look so amused. I promise that your turn will come if you take position as uncle with Kristina.”
“We should probably send them to day care together with a third party. That would straighten them out.”
“Later, maybe. Let’s try to make it through the first half of the game. With all the time outs we’ve been having to call, it will be a miracle if we even get any plays done.”
“You sound like a football coach,” Rob laughed, “Too bad we can’t load them in gear and let them loose on each other.”
“Uh oh, you’re foreseeing a chick-fight, aren’t you?” Bryon looked worried as his brother nodded.
“I know our little Cassie. It would not surprise me one bit if she went in that direction. She was raised around boys, remember? That’s how she saw us work out our differences.”
“What she didn’t see was Pop tanning our hides afterwards. But I’m afraid you might be right. I get the feeling that Kristina won’t back off, either. I really like her, Rob. I think she’s the one and I’m not willing to just let her go.”
“Nor should you. Cass and she will have to learn to share us. No discussion. Speaking of which, we need to deal with our little drunken episode.”
“She got switched today by Pop, so I’m pretty sure she’ll still be feeling it tomorrow when we get home. She will taste the strap, this time. I won’t put up with that crap.”
“Nor will I. We’ll take the stocks out and do some tenderizing.” Rob yawned, leaning back as he closed his eyes.
“I wish I could be as casual as you are. It still bothers me to be so severe on the little thing.”
“Bry, despite the age-play scenarios, she’s a 20 year old woman who knows better than to behave so inappropriately. What if she had fallen into the lake as plastered as she was?”
“I’m not arguing with you, I just wish I could turn off my feelings better. It’s harder for me when I’m not angry or upset.”
“You’ll learn, in time. Don’t think it doesn’t bother me; I just don’t let my personal feelings get in the way of what must be done.”
“Are you taking her to school in the morning or should I?”
“I will. We usually grab some breakfast on Fridays. I’ll take her to Denny’s.”
“Rob… Kris is working the morning shift tomorrow,” Bryon warned.
“I know,” Rob grinned.
* * *
Cassie stared at her plate during breakfast the next morning, trying not to upset Rob by glaring at Kristina. She couldn’t help it, this stupid jealousy, and she hated herself for it. Still facing her lap, she didn’t say anything when Kristina greeted Rob, who immediately noticed that the girl blatantly ignored Cassie. She even turned her shoulder towards her! Rob frowned. He would have to speak with Bryon about that.
“Cass? I think I know what’s really bothering you,” Rob suddenly said, taking her hand. She lifted her eyes to send him a questioning look. He continued, “You just got us. I mean, even after all this time, you finally really had us where we needed to be. Here it is, a few months later and already you’re having to share with someone else. You probably also wonder how many others will invade your territory. I know subbys and how possessive they are, but you also haven’t even had a chance to get used to the transition of step-brother to Daddy, or even to ours as lovers. Mentally, it could play with you. Yes?”
Cassie nodded, lowering her eyes again. She raised them when Rob cleared his throat warningly. He was expecting a reply other than a nod. “Yes, sir. Also he’s going to love her more than me because she’s a big girl with him.”
“I understand. I really do. There was a very short moment when I felt the same towards you. I wanted to hurt him the first time I found out he punished you.”
“You did?” Cassie looked shocked.
“Yes, ma’am. I got over it quickly because I love and trust my brother. You’re a big girl now so put the play relationship aside. Do you love and trust your brothers?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then show it. You need to love Bryon and trust him to be true to his commitment to you, ok?”
“I’ll try. I still want to punch her in the nose.”
“Then you will pay the consequences for it. Now eat your breakfast, it’s getting late. Get that nasty look off your face, young lady!”
* * *
Kristina arrived at Suzanne’s house after work. A cold breeze struck her and she shivered as she rang the front door bell of the huge house. Her hair was still wet from her shower and she pulled her jacket around her neck for warmth.
“Miss Barker! Right on time. It is nasty out here! Come in, come in and warm yourself up. Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?” Suzanne asked, pulling Kristina inside and dragging her in front of the fireplace.
“None, thank you, I’m ok.”
“None was not an option. Which one would you prefer?”
“Um, whatever is easiest. Thank you.”
Suzanne smiled to herself as she prepared coffee for herself and hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows for her student. She brought the drinks in on a tray with some cookies and brownies. “Here you go, my dear. So, how is
the research going?” Suzanne asked, leaning back in her chair, long legs crossed delicately at her slender ankles and looking every bit a professor as Kristina had seen.
“Very well, Ms. Bichat. I’ve made some amazing discoveries.”
“Pray tell.”
“Well, I found out that I was more perceptive about things around me than I thought I was. I know about you and Glenn, and the lifestyle you lead. In fact, I’ve come here today wondering if I could ask you questions. Like, why did you hide it from me when you introduced me to this study?”
“Why do you think?”
“You probably wanted me to seek out answers instead of just handing them to me.”
“Partly. Why else?” Suzanne eyed the girl from over the rim of her cup as she sipped again. Kristina was starting to fidget under her gaze. Good.
“You may have worried that I would rat you out to someone.”
“You forgot something very important. That is, it was none of your business. Ah, take it easy. I’m not saying that unkindly. Just as a fact. Now that you’ve been introduced, we may speak personally about the topic.”
“Oh My God! Bryon told you?” Kristina looked incensed.
“Calm yourself, Kristina. Bryon is my best friend. What I do is his business and vice versa. Out of respect, I have made myself accountable to him and Rob because of my relationship with Glenn. You’ll discover interesting family dynamics in the scene.”
“Unbelievable. What did he tell you about us?” Kristina demanded.
“First, I want you to take a deep breath. I am not going to judge you. In fact, I’m hoping I can help mentor you through this journey. You are journaling, right?”
“Yes, you told me too.”
“Kristina Renee? Who are you?” Suzanne asked, her Dom voice firmly stated, demanding an answer.
“I’m a student at….”
“Answer my question, young lady. Appropriately.”