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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 14

  “I don’t understand, Ms. Bichat….” Kristina felt herself starting to sink in the chair.

  “What did you think of your very first spanking by the Legendary Left Palm, Miss Barker?”

  “Oh! He did NOT!!!” Kristina turned bright red, but was unable to budge from under her teacher’s stare.

  “He certainly did tell me. Now, you can either answer my question or I will find a way to get my answer. Who are you, Kristina Renee?”

  “I’m…. I’m Bryon’s little girl.” Kristina felt close to crying from humiliation and the sense of feeling trapped.

  “Look at me. Who am I?” Suzanne asked, taking her hair down from the severe bun and removing her blazer. She suddenly looked like a warm, inviting and loving woman.

  “Aunt Suzanne?”

  “Good girl. Yes. If you are Bryon’s little girl, you get me and Uncle Rob to help take care of you. Do you now understand why your Papa tells me things?”

  “Yes, ma’am. It’s just so confusing at times.”

  “That’s because you fight it. It’s been hard for Cassie as well, especially when it comes to sharing her men. I hear you’re feeling the same?”

  “Is there anything he doesn’t tell you?” Kristina looked stunned.

  “Nope. Our little family is very open and honest. It’s the only way to deal with all the issues that arise in this environment. Honey, why are you crying?”

  “I am so embarrassed and feel so stupid. I’m 22 years old and this man is spanking me like I’m a baby.”

  “Kristina? Look at me. Please?” Kristina finally looked up and Suzanne reached for her hand, “I’m 41 and that man spanked me like a baby. Hard, too. That’s what you saw in class on Wednesday. He had come by in the morning to discipline me for my terrible behavior regarding you.”

  “H-he did? But you haven’t done anything…”

  “I was going to blackmail you for your journal. I’m sorry, it was wrong of me. Please forgive me.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  “Would you have let me read what you’ve been writing? No…. and yet that’s what I want for our research. Since you’re with Bryon now, and I’m with his brother, we’re family. Outside the classroom, of course. That also might mean my needing to discipline you.”

  “Like Bryon did?” Kristina was appalled.

  “Probably far worse. Lady Tops are known for their lack of sympathy when it comes to our female Bottoms.”

  “I don’t believe this….”

  “Didn’t Bry talk to you about your extended family if you chose to partner with him? Did you think it just meant us buying you Christmas and birthday presents?”

  “I didn’t think it would mean YOU, you know…” Kristina started to blush furiously.

  “Spank you? Absolutely. And I am going to talk with Bryon regarding your grades. You are a bright and intuitive young woman. There is no reason why you cannot apply yourself a little better to your class work. I’m not talking just about my class, but in your Civics unit. You got a D the last test. I’ve been following your grades and your attendance, which also seems to be dropping. No excuse, especially since Bryon also teaches history. Did you tell him?”

  “No, ma'am, I haven’t said anything.”

  “Why didn’t you prepare better for it?” Suzanne asked patiently, kicking off her dark blue pumps.

  “I got involved with my writing. The test was Monday and I wrote instead of studying. I was just so excited.”

  “Bryon needs to assign you a limit. What about your attendance?”

  “I’ve been working more shifts.”

  “Nonsense. Your stipend is direct deposit into your account every Monday. Were these shifts already assigned or did you just take more.”

  Kristina’s silence gave away her answer.

  “You are to tell Bryon immediately about this. There’s the phone. Call him.”

  “But Ms. Bichat…”

  “Do you see how I’m wearing my hair? It is your signal to be Krissy. Now call your Papa or your Aunt Suzanne will have to go find her hairbrush to use on your bottom.”

  Sighing, Krissy obeyed and called Bryon’s cell phone.

  “Hello?” she heard Cassie’s voice.

  “Um, it’s Kristina. Is Bryon there?”

  “Sorry, but he’s with his team right now.” Cassie clipped back.

  “Oh. Could you tell him I called?”

  “Yeah.” Cassie said, then stared at the disconnected phone in her hand. Yeah, right. She wasn't telling Bryon anything. She erased the history of the call too, so she could deny its existence.

  Suzanne frowned at Kristina, remaining silent as she contemplated the girl.

  “What?” Kristina asked, cringing under the glower.

  “Your manners are atrocious, young lady. No please or thank you? And your tone… appalling. If this is how you speak to Cassie, it’s no wonder the kid resents you.”

  “She started it!”

  “From what I heard, she simply answered Bryon’s phone and responded to your voice. You also just hung up on her! I am not at all happy with you. In fact, young lady, you need to stand up and follow me.”


  “Do you see how I’m wearing my hair? It’s your cue to obey me.”

  Kristina slowly followed Suzanne upstairs to her large, stately bedroom. The room reminded Kristina of the woman, larger than life, elegant, romantic but intimidating. The centerpiece was a magnificent king-sized bed atop a stunning dark wood platform, with high balusters on all four sides and a graceful silk canopy over the top. Suzanne reached into her closest and withdrew a long, broad wooden paddle. Kristina’s eyes widened.

  “Get up onto the edge of the bed and get on your hands and knees, bottom in the air. Keep your hands in front of you and your knees together. You may put your head on the mattress if you want to help keep your bottom up. If you move out of this position, those jeans are coming down. Do it this instant. And no reaching back or rubbing.”


  “Who are you talking to, Kristina Renee?”

  “Aunt Suzanne, please. I’m sorry I was rude. I’ll call and apologize.”

  “You’ll do that anyway. If I have to tell you again to get into position, those pants are coming off.”

  Kristina trembled as she climbed over the high edge of Suzanne’s bed, her feet dangling over the side as she tried to adjust her body to the desired position.

  “Why are you being punished, young lady?”

  “Because I didn’t practice proper manners. Please, I promise that I’ll….OH SHIT!” Kristina gasped as the paddle landed squarely across both jean-clad cheeks, knocking the air out of her lungs. A terrible burn spread quickly through her buttocks.

  “Absolutely, no swearing. Let’s try this again. Why are you being punished?”

  “Because I showed bad manners, Aunt Suzanne,” Kristina whispered, tightly closing her eyes in anticipation of the next whack. “OOOWWWW! That hurts!!!!”

  “Oh, I know it does. It hurts even more right here.” Suzanne informed her as she expertly placed the next stroke on the underside of the girl’s round bottom cheeks. Kristina broke out in tears, kicking her feet and clutching the comforter on the bed. “Good, I got through to you. Here’s the phone. Call Bryon again and put it on speaker.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Kristina cried, shaking as she dialed the number. Cassie again answered.

  “Hello? Sorry, but Bryon still hasn’t come back yet.” Cassie said, seeing the caller ID.

  “Cassandra? It’s Aunt Suzanne. Kristina has something to say to you, honey.” Suzanne applied another hard thwack of the paddle to Kristina’s chubby bottom, making her scream out.

  “OOOOWWww! I’m sorry I was rude to you, Cassie. OWWW!” Kristina bawled as the paddle landed again, “I showed bad manners and it was wrong. OOOOOOWWWWWWW! I’m SOOORRRRRYYY!”

  Cassie was quiet on the other end. She recognized the sound of a paddling and, although she had never be
en subjected to Suzanne’s swinging arm, she knew its potency from what Glenn had told her. She almost felt sorry for the girl.

  “Do you have something to say to Krissy, Cassandra Lynn?”

  “Yes ma’am. I accept your apology, Kristina. I’m sorry you’re being punished.” Cassie hoped she sounded more sincere than she felt. Suzanne was convinced, and that was all that mattered.

  “Ok, three more strokes while you’re on the phone then we will hang up. Cassie, are you coming over tomorrow?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Daddy said about 10ish.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in the morning then. Bring your pretty clothes and we’ll play dress up. Count these out, Kristina, and tell me you will watch your manners for now on. You know that your Papa won’t tolerate it.”

  Kristina shrieked painfully as the paddle covered every inch of her backside in those final three swats. She sobbed into the mattress, unable to move her body from its position. Suzanne, after ordering her to tell Bryon what had happened, said good-bye to the silent Cassie, and hung up the phone. She sat next to the girl on the bed.

  “Come here, baby. Please don’t make me do that again.” Suzanne said gently, pulling the crying girl into her long, strong arms. Kristina just wept, soaking the silk blouse. She would never cross Aunt Suzanne if she could help it, she promised herself.

  Cassie held her breath as she recalled the muffled cracks of the paddle flatten against a cloth-covered backend, followed by Kristina’s wails of pain and pleas to stop. She was still holding the dead phone when Bryon came up behind her.

  “How’s my best girl doing?” he asked, hugging her close. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Daddy? Aunt Suzanne told me to tell you that she had to spank Kristina for being rude to me.”

  “What? Give me my phone, please. Hey Suz, what happened?”

  Suzanne quickly gave him a run down on the events, still holding the sniffling Kristina in her arms. Bryon was quiet for a moment.

  “I understand that she also showed some bad manners this morning in front of Rob. Do you think she learned her lesson or should I also ground her?”

  “You’re her papa, so it’s up to you. I don’t think she needs another spanking. Do you, Miss Krissy?”

  “No ma'am,” she answered uncomfortably, accepting the phone as she sat tenderly on the bed next to her teacher. “I’m sorry, Papa. I’ll be nicer, I promise.”

  “You’re grounded. No going out, watching TV, or playing videos all weekend, young lady. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir, Papa.” Kristina stiffened when she saw Suzanne raise her eyebrow, “Um, Aunt Suzanne wanted me to tell you that I’m having some problems in school. I’m sorry!” she broke into tears again, telling him of her grades and attendance issues.

  “This is something we will need to talk about when we see each other next. There had better be a good excuse, especially about your attendance. What is it?”

  “I’m working….”

  “Kristina, don’t you even think about lying to me. That is a switching offense.”

  “I’ve been sleeping through my alarm! I stay up late writing and then pass out and….”

  “How long did you stay up the other night when I gave you an hour?”

  “Until 5:15.”

  “You are in major trouble with me, you know that, right?” He made no effort to hide the fact he was clearly disappointed in her.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, I really am.”

  “I think I might just let your Uncle Rob deal with this. Just think about what's going to happen to your little fanny when he gets hold of it.” Bryon leaned against the wall, absently stroking Cassie’s hair. “We will be back home Sunday night. Cassie is staying the long weekend with Suzanne so I’ll be bringing you back to Rob’s place. Plan on spending the night.”

  Kristina looked at Suzanne desperately. The older woman shrugged unsympathetically.

  “But I’m scheduled to work Monday morning before my class!”

  “You are going to be quitting that job, young lady. It’s interfering with your school work and your obedience. The stipend you get is more than enough for your expenses. If you need more money, I’ll have chores for you to do.”

  “I don’t want to quit! Please, don’t make me,” she begged.

  Bryon considered her words. “I will give you one week to prove to me that you can show some responsibility between balancing your work, school and your health. The latter includes obedience. If I don’t see an improvement, you will be quitting. Fair enough?”

  “Yes, sir, thank you.”

  “You are not to do more than five shifts a week and no more doubles. On nights you work, you will go to bed immediately without writing. Suzanne will give me a report every day, too. I’ll be fishing with the guys up at New Smyrna Beach this weekend, but I’ll have my cell if you need me, ok?”

  “Yes, Papa. Are you mad at me?”

  “No, darling. Saddened that you didn’t show yourself to be the good girl I know you are, but that’s going to change.”

  “I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “Good. Remember, no playing this weekend and you are to clean your room and do your homework. You’re being grounded, so take it seriously. You don’t want me to not be able to trust you to mind me, so be good.”

  “I will. Aunt Suzanne wants to talk to you.”

  “Hey, Bry. You’re going to let me have my girl through Monday, right?”

  “Yes, don’t worry. Us men have to work Monday, remember? One of us will pick her up after dinner.”

  “I could keep her overnight and bring her to school on Tuesday.”

  “You really miss having a little girl, don’t you? Ok, go for it. We’ll keep Glenn, then,” Bryon laughed, holding the door to the jeep open for Cassie to climb in. He said his goodbyes and hung up. “Ok, now time to get you home and deal with your punishment. Why do you girls push us so?”

  “I didn’t do anything this time, Bry. SHE started it.”

  “If I hear anything more like that comment from you, I will have Aunt Suzanne paddle your little caboose like she did to Krissy. You won’t like it one bit, either,” he warned.

  “Why are you being so mean to me?”

  “I’m not and you know it. I would suggest you consider showing a little humility tonight. You’d be surprised how far that gets you with Rob.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cassie’s stomach twisted the entire ride home; know she was facing a rather severe session from her two Doms. She already regretted the decision to drink and, after knowing how Kristina was dealt with for rudeness, she thought twice about continuing with that.

  Rob was on the couch, flipping through the channels, when they walked in. “My girl. Come give me loves. How was your day?” Rob asked, embracing Cassie lovingly and planting a solid kiss on her lips.

  “I’m still sore from Dad’s switching, Robby. I’m sorry I drank. I really am.”

  “I am so proud of you, my love. What you did for Pop took a lot of courage, and finally accepting him really made him happy. Thank you.”

  “It was the right thing to do, wasn’t it?” Cassie asked, glowing in his praise of her.

  Bryon sat on the other side. “It was exactly the right thing to do. I’m proud of you too. I wish I didn’t have to punish you, though, but we need to just get that done so we can spend the rest of the evening together.”

  “Robby? Please can just one of you punish me? I’m too sore.”

  “No, honey. You disobeyed both Daddy and me, and you could have seriously hurt yourself. I’m sorry, but there are penalties for poor choices. Go upstairs and take a shower, then come back down here dressed for bed.”

  Cassie bit her lip, able to read into his words. He included ‘daddy’, which meant she would be punished without any ‘big girl’ touching. It also dictated how she was supposed to dress.

  Hair in two high ponytails, Cassie grimaced as she buttoned up the back of her pale purple footy pajamas decorat
ed with kittens. Of all her little girl clothes, she hated these the most because they made her feel even younger and more out of control. She grabbed her favorite Teddy Bear and trudged downstairs to meet her fate. Her heart felt like it would explode.

  The stocks were out and, next to them, Daddy’s big strap and a long, thin paddle with holes.

  “Robby? Daddy? I’m sorry. Please don’t spank me,” she pleaded, eyes filling with tears, as Bryon beckoned to her. “I promise I will never do that again.”

  “We know, hon, but do you honestly think we are just going to let this go by without making certain you learn your lesson fully?” Rob asked as she approached Bryon fearfully.

  “You terrified us. It’s pitch black outside and you take off around a lake drunker than Cooter Brown.”

  “Who’s Cooter Brown?” Cassie asked, confused.

  Bryon looked at her, and then at Rob, who shrugged. “I have no freakin’ idea. It’s an old southern expression.”

  “Like your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower. Remember that one, Bry?” Rob chuckled.

  “Yeah, right before Pop made us cut him a switch. Have no fear, Miss Cassie. No more switches for you right now. You will be feeling enough as it is. Unbutton your flap, please.” Bryon ordered, signaling to her pajamas. Cassie blushed, reaching behind her to undo the three buttons across the top of her ‘trap door’. The material fell open and she felt the cool air on her suddenly bared bottom.

  “Onto the stock, little girl. We’re meaning for you to see that we are serious about this punishment,” Rob ordered, ignoring the piteous look in her eyes. On impulse, she threw herself down and grabbed his legs, crying and begging him to change his mind. He watched her with amusement for a moment before ordering her up and into position.

  Bryon watched Rob as he expertly closed the device around Cassie’s waist, immobilizing her from twisting or turning. Soft leather buckles were then tied around the back of her thighs, preventing her from budging from her kneeling position. He peeled the flap away to expose the two half-moons of her still tender bottom.

  “Pop did well, Bry. She’s got a couple of bruises still. Good.” Rob commented, tracing the faded marks with his finger. “Hand me that box, please.”