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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 12
Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online
Page 12
“I never realized what a handful we must have been for him,” Bryon snickered, reaching across to stroke Cassie’s pale cheek.
“You weren’t the one who got his tail blistered all the time. That man knew how to wield a switch. Believe it or not, I had a little rebellious streak in me,” Rob sighed, his hand resting on Cassie’s right hip. “You don’t know half the things I got myself into.”
“Is that why you’re so casual about this one?” Bryon asked, nodding towards the girl, “It doesn’t seem to bother you to punish her like it does me.”
“I guess I have a more sadistic nature than you do, plus my personality. You’ve always been a nurturer while I’ve been the fixer. Just relax, everything will work out. Trust me. Now shut up and go to sleep. I need to get up early for work.”
* * *
Glenn escorted Suzanne into the large, dark house and turned on the lights for her. She looked miserable. “Let’s get you to bed, darling,” he said gently, reaching for her hand. She followed, each step sent agonizing pain down her legs from her swollen and bruised bottom. Glenn started to undress her and she held out her hand.
“Not tonight. I’m not in the mood.”
“I didn’t ask if you were in the mood. I’m getting you ready for bed to sleep. I want to see what Bryon left you with and talk to you about some changes.”
“I don’t want you to look.”
“Suzanne, right now you are going to do as I tell you. I doubt I could ever be as severe as my dumbass brothers, but I have my limits. Now lay down on that bed and let me see your bottom.”
Reluctantly, the fight spanked out of her, Suzanne obeyed. Glenn gently peeled off her slacks and gasped. She wore her standard undergarment, a thong, which clearly framed the dark blue and purple stripes that were imprinted across her perfect, firm gluts.
“Oh shit, Suzy. Your butt is painted with every color of the rainbow. No wonder you’re so quiet.”
“I deserved every bit of it,” she whispered into the pillow.
Glenn gently rested his wide hand on top of the right cheek. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it. I have to agree; one of my brothers will deal with you for anything severe. I couldn’t hurt you like this. Shhh, it’s just cold cream.”
Suzanne relaxed as his fingers gently glazed the soothing ointment over her colorful posterior. His quiet, tender care gave her the courage to speak. “Glenn? Have you ever heard of switching?” she asked his hands now rubbed her back.
“Bryon mentioned it. Would you be interested?”
“I’m not sure. Part of me says yes, then the bitch in me says, fuck no.”
“Yeah, I feel the same. Without the bitch part, of course. How does this feel?”
“Nice. Thank you. I’m sorry I’ve been such a bear, honey,” Suzanne said, turning to look at him.
“Forgiven. But next time, I won’t be so understanding, got it?” Glenn’s handsome face showed seriousness as he looked down at her.
“I got it. Hold me. Please.” Suzanne reached for him, sounding like a little girl.
Glenn promptly complied, holding her tightly to his body and covering her face with gentle kisses. “I love you. Don’t you ever worry about that changing. You are mine.”
Suzanne sighed, believing him. She liked his decisive firmness and maturity, and it surprised her. Maybe this switch thing would work after all?
* * *
Cassie woke with a pounding headache the following morning. She found herself alone in the house with instructions on how to care for her hangover and a short list of expected chores to be completed. Plopping down at the kitchen table, she hid her face in her arms. What the hell was she thinking last night? The phone rang and, cringing, she answered it. It was Bryon.
“Good morning, baby. How’s your head?”
“Hurts like hell. Bryon, I….”
“Have you disowned me? Are you too grown up to need your Daddy anymore?”
“No, but…”
“Cassandra, I don’t know how to get through to you. I am NOT going anywhere. If I bring Kristina into our circle, then she will be a sister to you, NOT a replacement. You are being a little selfish, don’t you think?”
“I don’t want to share you.” Cassie admitted.
“I know, but I share you with Rob, right? He’s my brother and that’s what brothers, and sisters, do. I will be out late tonight, but tomorrow evening, the three of us are going to have a long talk about the rules of this house and what is expected of our little girl. We will also deal with your unfortunate choice to get yourself plastered. You’re smarter than that, Cass.”
“I was hurt because you all went out without me.”
“My brothers and I met with Suzanne because she’s having some personal issues. Kristina wasn't there, either.”
“Suzanne sees HER more than she sees me. She’s going to like HER more.”
“Now you’re sounding like a spoiled rotten little brat. Suzanne is Kristina’s teacher and they work together on Suz’s project. You need to get this jealousy thing under control, young lady. It’s not only unbecoming, but is downright disrespectful to all of us who love you.” Bryon reprimanded her as he glanced at his watch. “Now get yourself cleaned up. Pop is coming over to get you.”
“Because I said so. He should be there in about thirty minutes. I love you and expect you to behave yourself. Understand?”
“Cassandra Lynn….”
“Yes, sir,” she sighed, refusing to address him in the familial context. Bryon knew, at that moment, that he was facing an uphill battle of the wills.
“I don’t want to hear any bad reports about you, little girl. Daddy is already very disappointed in how you’ve been acting and is not looking forward to having to punish you tomorrow night. Can I trust you to be a good girl today and not earn another spanking?”
“Yes, Daddy.” Cassie caved, unable to ignore his parental tone. It always set her into motion and he knew it.
“That’s my sweet baby. Go get dressed. I’ll talk to you later.”
Cassie quickly showered and threw on some jeans and a sweater. It was the end of February and still very chilly and rainy outside. She quickly cleaned up the kitchen then sat to sip some coffee as she waited for her step-father to arrive.
“Where’s my favorite daughter?” Bill’s voice boomed through the house as he walked in without knocking.
Cassie cringed, walking into the living room to greet him.“ Hi Bill. Not so loud, please,” she begged, hugging him tightly.
His kissed her forehead before holding her chin up. “You look like something the cat dragged in. Are you okay?”
“I got a little toasted last night. Suffering for it today,” she admitted, accepting the jacket he handed her.
“The boys let you get drunk?” Bill frowned, “That doesn’t sound like them.”
“They didn’t let me, I just did it. I’m guessing that’s why you’re here. To babysit me.”
“I was wondering what happened when Rob called me this morning to come get you. He also ordered me, under no uncertain terms, to ‘watch you like a hawk.’ What have you been up to that deserves house arrest?”
“You wouldn’t understand. It’s a lifestyle thing.” Cassie climbed into his car and buckled her seat belt, closing her eyes to the gloomy daylight and dark clouds. The day matched her mood perfectly.
“Try me.”
Sighing, Cassie unloaded her fears to her step-father. Bill listened carefully as he drove back towards his house. When she finished, she sat silently, watching out the windshield and staring at the fat droplets of rain splattering on it.
“Do you realize this is the very first time you opened up to me, Cass? Thank you.” Bill said softly. Cassie held back a tear.
“You’ve always been so good to me. I don’t know why I’ve been so mean. I’m so sorry,” she whispered, still staring ahead.
“You’re forgiven
. It’s my fault, too. I should not have treated you differently than I did my boys. I promise, no more of that.”
“I kind of wish that you would have been firmer with me. Maybe then I wouldn’t have been so scared all the time.”
“Maybe so. Here we are. It’s slippery outside, be careful.” Bill warned as they exited the car.
Cassie walked into her old house, looking around. “Something’s different…. Did you finally buy a new couch?”
“Yeah. The old one kept getting broken by the boys while rough-housing and I got tired of fixing it. I was hoping they outgrew the wrestling, but apparently not.”
“It must be quiet here with all of us gone. Are you lonely?”
“Glenn’s still around and I get Bry on occasion. Plus, I’m seeing Julie. Nothing serious, just companionship. I still miss your mom. A lot,” he sounded sad.
“Me, too. Bill?”
“What, honey?” he made room for her on the couch and held her as she crawled under his large arm to snuggle against him.
“I know you don’t understand this thing we’re doing, but I need to ask a favor of you.” Cassie said quietly, her guilt growing deeper as she cuddled, for the first time, against her step-father.
“Whatever you need. I’m here for you.”
“That’s my problem. You always have been there for me, taking care of everything and never asking for anything in return except for respect and obedience. Which I gave you none of. I’m so sorry.”
“Cassie, we talked about this when you three approached me with your arrangement. I thought it was settled.” Bill frowned, watching her shake her head.
“I said the words but, well, I still feel bad about it. You deserved so much more from me than a bad attitude and defiance. I need to make it up to you.”
“No, there is no…”
“Bill, I need you to spank me. Treat me like you would one of the boys.”
“I certainly will not. I switched them.”
“I don’t care. I need to know that you think of me as one of your kids, not a step-child.”
“You’ve done nothing to me to warrant discipline, kiddo. It’s not right for me to just ‘give it to you’ without a reason. I’m sorry, but no.”
Cassie looked at him straight in the eye. “I swear, Bill, if you don’t make this right with me, I will do everything in my power to make sure you do. I’m being honest with you right now and it’s humiliating and scary for me.”
“Truth. Do you want me to do this?” Bill returned her stare.
She shook her head. “Truth. No, I don’t want you to do it. But, being honest, I need you to do it. Both of us have some healing to do with each other and this is how I’m being taught to get there.”
“The boys will not appreciate this.” Bill said seriously, realizing that she was right. He still harbored some resentment about her ill-mannered and disrespectful treatment towards him over the years and had, many times, wanted to put her over his knee. Margie had prevented it, concerned that the girl would feel ‘abused.’ She had been wrong.
“It’s not up to the boys. Bill, you were the closest thing to a real father I had and I treated you terribly. I wanted… no, needed, to know that you loved me as much as your sons. I never felt that way. I need things to be right with us before I can ever think about letting go of Bryon.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Bryon found someone else. Pretty soon, there won’t be room for me, despite what he says. I still need to have a dad in my life, even if he’s not as strict with me as Bry.”
“Cass… have any of us ever lied to you or given you reason to be so suspicious of our motives? If Bryon promised he would always fill this role for you, he will never go back on that promise. I raised them to be men of honor.”
“And they are raising me the same way, which is why I’m asking you to do your duty as my dad.”
“You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir. I am.”
Bill studied her for a moment, seeing the positive changes that had occurred since ‘the boys’ had taken over her upbringing. They had been right all along. He nodded. “Very well. Take the kitchen shears and go outside and cut me two switches. 2-3 feet long and the thickness of your little finger.”
Cassie paled. “You said you wouldn’t switch me.”
“I promised to treat you as one of my boys. That is the implement of choice for me when they received their ‘just desserts’. Go on.”
Gulping, she left. Her hand was shaking as she reached for the long, straight branch off the white birch tree. It sprung forebodingly in her hand. The rain fell lightly and she shivered, but not from cold.
“Let’s see them.” Bill held his hand out when she returned. She handed the two slender rods to him silently. “They look good. You need to clean them now. Scrape off all the bumps and bark, leaving green. I like my switches wet and flexible.”
Cassie obeyed, wondering about her sanity as she proceeded with her chore. She was honest when she told him the truth. Needs verses wants did not always follow the same guidelines. She hoped the boys would see that she was trying to do the right thing for once.
“Very good. Go to my study and have your jeans and panties down to your ankles and lean with your palms on the seat of the big chair. Wait for me.”
Cassie felt bile rise to her throat as her stomach twisted fearfully. She knew Bill had been stern with her brothers when they were younger, but they never talked about his methods other than he wielded a nasty switch. She suddenly remembered that she was in store for a session of discipline with Rob and Bryon the following evening. She groaned knowing her butt would be hamburger.
She tried to push aside her embarrassment when she unzipped and lowered her jeans and panties to her ankles and then bent to grasp the edges of the old, wooden straight-backed chair. Her bottom rose high in the air and she felt her skin stretching along the backs of her thighs and hind end. She also knew that her private parts were clearly visible while in this position. Oh well, she reasoned, what’s one more Johnson man eyeing her womanly goods? Her three step-brothers had seen everything she had months ago. Thank God that her headache had receded!
Bill entered the room, pausing to observe his step-daughter’s position. He could tell she was frightened, and rightfully so. He was a big man with a strong right arm and had been able to reduce his boys to tears in less than six strokes. Cassie’s pale, firm bottom stuck out in the air, a sacrifice she was making to heal their rift. He doubted she appreciated the offer as much as he did.
“For 12 years, I’ve been there for you. You’re right. For twelve years, you’ve pushed every button I had, sliced me to pieces with your nasty tongue, and blatantly ignored every rule I set to make ours a happy and healthy home for you. While I’m so glad you are finally coming around, I have to tell you that you’ve really hurt me.”
“I’m so sorry, Bill. Please forgive me.”
“I do. But, yes, I think this will help bring back some balance for both of us. I’ve never punished a girl before and seriously doubt you would be able to take what I would have dished out to my sons had they dared behave the way you did. With that in mind, you and I will start our own tradition.”
“You changed your mind about switching me?” Cassie asked hopefully.
“Absolutely not. You do, however, need a more personal touch, so when the switching is over, I will spank you with my hand, like a good father should do to his daughter.” Bill suddenly understood Bryon’s need to have a little girl in his care. The nurturing, the guiding, the need to direct…. It all made sense. Bill grieved over the lost years when he could have had with this little girl, and now they were gone. He knew he could still provide many of these things, but never as though she were a child again. He needed to talk with his sons about this lifestyle and explore some needs of his own.
Bill stood to Cassie’s left and laid the switch across the center of her trembling cheeks. “You are to stay in
position until I decide you are done. If you move, I might catch you where you don’t want me too. No clenching, either. How well you take your punishment will determine the length of time I give it.”
“Yes, sir.” Cassie whispered, closing her eyes and holding her breath. Bill hesitated for a moment, eyeing her perfect round globes,
“From now on, you won’t call me Bill. It’s either Pop or Dad, ok? I know ‘daddy’ is reserved for Bryon.”
“Only when we are home alone. He would understand.” Cassie whispered, feeling the stick touching her bottom.
Stupid question. How could anyone be ready for the slash of pain that streaked straight across her fleshy bottom? She squealed, rising on her toes. A second blow whipped across her upper thighs and she broke into a cold sweat, fighting back a scream. Her body shook visibly as the third cut of the birch switch wrapped over her sit spots and tears sprung from her eyes.
“I must say, you are taking this very well. Maybe Rob has taught you some discipline. I’m impressed.”
“Thank you,” Cassie forced out, clutching the chair’s edges. The switch whistled through the air and sliced over the center of her shaking bottom. A sob escaped her lips, but she stayed put. Twice more, the switch kissed her delicate skin, leaving behind a series of scarlet lines etched into her pale skin.
Bill kept a stern expression as he stood the weeping girl to face him. “Bend over my knees and let’s get this finished.”
Cassie continued to cry as she obeyed, finding it difficult to move her limbs due to the painful trembling that shuddered through them. With her nose to the floor and holding tightly to the chair legs, she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the final dose of ‘just desserts’ to her bottom.
“OWOWOWOW! I’m sorry! Daddy, please, I’m so, so, so sorry!” Cassie yelled out as Bill’s hand landed in a flurry of solid blows across the stinging lashes left by the switch. Cassie kicked and wriggled, unaccustomed to the fast and furious raining of smacks that quickly erupted into a fire on her back end. The strikes came so quickly that she could not even cry out, and she fought to suck in a breath of air. 100? 200? A thousand? Cassie could not even begin to imagine the number of swats that left her feeling like ground beef. The number didn’t matter, though. Each one was vicious.