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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 16
Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online
Page 16
“Is that why you aren’t sitting on the stool?”
“Yeah, I got a big one last night from Daddy and Robby for getting drunk and running away.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I was mad at Daddy. Because I thought he wouldn’t love me anymore since he found you.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” Krissy said sincerely, finding that she liked this little girl and her innocence. “You’re really pretty and he’s known you for a long time. I felt intimidated by it.”
“What's inditim….”
“Intimidate….. Oh… I felt ugly and was afraid Papa wouldn’t like me as much as he does you.” Krissy caught the hint. Stop thinking like a grown up.
“You call him Papa?”
“Uh huh. He’s your daddy and I didn’t want to get in the way.”
“We’re brats, you know.” Cassie, the adult, grinned with a giggle.
“A little bit.” Kristina, the adult, giggled back.
The two girls were covered with icing by the time Suzanne returned. She shook her head, laughing, as she observed them playing over the cookies. They had stopped trying to make the confections pretty and now went for color and outrageous designs. She also wondered, by looking at their mouths, how much icing and candy they had consumed.
“Are you two having fun?”
“Yes ma'am!” they both answered, “Look!”
She praised their ‘art work’ and started to clean up some of the mess on the counter as they continued to play and help each other with their task. “How about it you two take a break and get cleaned up?”
“But we didn’t finish all the cookies.” Cassie whined, eyeing the remaining six.
“Some of us don’t like tons of sugar lopped onto our cookies, baby girl. The boys are going to love these, too, so let’s make sure we save some for them. It’s almost lunchtime. Why don’t you two get cleaned up and I’ll make lunch. By the way, would you like macaroni and cheese for dinner?”
“I LOVE Mac and cheese!” Krissy clapped her hands gleefully.
“Good. Clean up this mess while I get your bath ready.” Suzanne kissed both on the forehead and left the kitchen.
Krissy looked at Cassie. “Bath? Like together?”
“I don’t know. It sounds like it. I’m still getting used to this, too. Don’t worry, you aren’t my type.” Cassie smiled, covering the bowls with plastic wrap and wiping off the counter.
“How old are you?”
“I don’t know yet. I think this is what we’re trying to figure out. Last night, I was a baby and I hated it.”
“Did they make you wear a diaper?” Kristina sounded shocked.
“And drink out of a bottle. After I got the worse spanking of my life. I guess you’ll be seeing that, too.” Cassie sounded embarrassed, looking down.
Kristina hugged her. “I suppose we better get used to this. We might end up being sisters. I think I will have more fun with you than my real sisters.”
“I’m still scared that Bryon will go away.”
“He won’t. He made that very clear to me.” Kristina sounded sad.
“I would feel terrible if Rob told me that about someone else. I’m sorry.” Cassie looked upset, realizing the impact the news must have had on the other girl.
“Let’s just try to work through this, ok?”
“You two look like you’re pretending to be grownups. Why the long faces?”
“We were just talking about Daddy and how it made us feel.” Cassie said, accepting the woman’s hand.
“You have the best Daddy in the world, my sweet. And you,” she kissed Krissy’s temple, taking her hand as well, “have the best Papa and uncle in the world, too. There is so much love in this little family that you won’t know what to do about it. From what I hear, you will also be getting a grandpa, too.”
“Only, don’t call him that. It will make him feel old.” Cassie giggled, thinking of the look on Bill’s face if they incorporated him into their age-play.
“Girls? Come upstairs. It’s bath time.” Suzanne called. The two trotted to the big bedroom where Suzanne had filled the Jacuzzi tub with TONS of bubbles and toys. They looked at Suzanne for instructions.
“Do you need help? Lift up your arms.” Suzanne said, undressing Cassie in front of Krissy. The younger girl blushed as Krissy saw her bare bottom, covered with dark bruises. Krissy reached to touch one.
“Oh my Lord, did Bryon do this to you?”
“Her Daddy strapped her for being very naughty and disobedient. He does not put up with bad little girls and neither does your Uncle Rob. Hold my hand while you get in, honey.” Suzanne said to Cassie. She then turned to Kristina. “Do you need help, too? Yes, I think you do,” she said, seeing the girls’ hesitation. Cassie wasn't watching, happily sinking under the bubbles, and starting to wash the icing off her skin.
Kristina’s face reddened as she stood naked in front of Suzanne, who appraised her thoroughly.
“You are beautiful. Bryon will certainly enjoy you when the time comes. He’s a big boy, but he’s very gentle and considerate.”
“You’ve had sex with him?” Kristina was taken aback.
“We’ve been friend with benefits. Until you and Glenn came along. We both believe firmly in monogamy. Get into the tub, now, you’re filthy.”
Krissy sunk into the hot water, suddenly relaxing. She opened her eyes as Suzanne started to wash her with nice smelling soap, gently scrubbing the dye off her face and hands. She did the same to Cassie then excused herself to get some coffee while the girls played.
Cassie couldn’t resist and squirted Krissy in the face with a rubber duck. Krissy, surprised, threw a dinosaur sponge at Cassie. Before long, the two were giggling loudly and the bathroom floor was soaking wet from their splashing. Suzanne walked in, hearing the noise, and froze.
“What did you two do? This is very naughty! You both know that the water stays in the tub.”
“Sorry, Aunt Suzanne. We were just playing,” Cassie said with a big smile. Suzanne found it impossible to stay angry, they both looked so cute and seemed very happy. She sighed.
“Get your fannies out of this bath and go to your room while I clean up this mess. Make sure you’re nice and dry before I get there.”
“What do you want us to get dressed in?” Cassie asked, accepting her help in getting out of the tub and holding the huge, fluffy towel around her.
“Oh, I have a surprise for both of you. Just wait for me.” Suzanne said, wrapping Krissy in a towel as well.
The girls ventured down the hall and found their ‘room’. It had two single beds in it and was done up in pinks and purples, with stars and hearts on the walls. The furniture was white, complete with a rocking chair, a large changing table, and pull up rails along the sides of the beds. The girls looked at each other. A nursery?
“She’s even more into this that I realized,” Cassie, the grown up, said, holding the towel tightly around her. She liked the room and immediately sat down at a little table to color. Krissy started drying herself off.
“Aunt Suzanne said we need to be dry when she came in. You’re still wet.”
“Come color with me.” Cassie ignored her. Krissy shrugged, drying herself thoroughly before sitting in the chair next to Cassie to color. Suzanne walked in, pleased to see the girls playing quietly. She did noticed, however, that Cassie was still very damp.
“Cassandra? Did you dry yourself off like I told you to?”
“I, uh, I was coloring, Aunt Suzanne. I’m sorry.”
“Come here, young lady. You know better than to disobey me.”
“No, please! I’m sorry, Auntie!” Cassie whimpered as Suzanne sat herself on a straight-backed chair that had been in the corner of the room. She trudged reluctantly over to her and looked at the ground.
“Not even here for a whole day and already needing a spanking. Cassandra ,what am I going to do with you. Over my knee, missy.”
Cassie whimpered again as she was pulled ac
ross Suzanne’s long thighs and felt the towel being lifted away to expose her bruised and tender backside. Suzanne tsked, rubbing the welted flesh before lifting her hand and delivering a sharp smack. Cassie yelled out, kicking. A second, then a third swat fell, and the girl burst out into tears, her already tenderized hindquarters unable to take even the slightest bit of pain. Suzanne paused, then administered two more hearty smacks before standing the crying girl up.
“That was completely unnecessary. Do as you’re told next time.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
Suzanne hugged and kissed the girl sweetly then proceeded to dry her properly with her towel. Krissy sat silently in the little chair, observing the interaction with fascination and, oddly enough, a bit of longing. There were no sexual overtones, which surprised Krissy the most. No, it was pure nurturing and she found herself desiring it.
“Am I allowed to ask grown up questions?”
“Of course, Kristina. That is part of your training. What’s your question?” Suzanne held Cassie on her lap, rocking her.
“Do all age-players act like this? I thought there was always sex involved.”
“Each family has its own dynamics and its own boundaries. Ours remains strictly parental, except, of course, whatever you and Bryon decide to do is up to you. I suspect he will have you become a big girl, like Rob does with Cassie, if sex is involved. We like to keep a firm line so that there is not an inference of incestuous or pedophilic behavior. Others do not have that same concern. It’s very individual and we are careful not to judge. Is how I’m treating Cassie making you uncomfortable?”
“No ma'am. In fact, it’s making me kind of jealous.”
“You’re being drawn in. That’s good. I have lots of cuddles for you, too, my love. Come here.” Suzanne smiled, pulling Krissy up on her other knee and holding both girls tightly as she kissed them. “I miss having little girls. I have two grown up daughters who are only a year apart and they were the most wonderful things in my life. Now, I have you two. And you will never grow up on me. Ready for your surprise?”
The girls nodded eagerly, standing as Suzanne pulled two big boxes down off the closet shelf. She handed one to each. They took them to their beds and gasped as they were opened.
Both boxes contained matching garments and accessories. Short, flouncy-skirted lavender dresses with little white collars, pearl buttons, and satin sashes, white ankle socks with lavender trim, shiny white shoes with little roses on the side and frilly white panties and an undershirt.
“They are so pretty, Aunt Suzanne!” Krissy exclaimed, honestly excited. She had never had anything so fancy, especially as a child.
“You have your Uncle Rob to thank for this. He picked everything out on his very own.”
“Robby did this?” Cassie asked, blinking. But then, she shouldn’t have been so surprised. The man had incredibly good taste and an artistic eye.
“Yes, he did. Let’s get dressed and we’ll have a tea party.”
Suzanne smiled as the two little girls swirled in front of her, showing off the beautiful matching dresses and carrying the little white patent leather purses. She brushed out their hair, careful with Krissy’s unruly red curls, and put bows in both. She then held out her hands for them to take.
“Let’s go have a party. You two are so pretty. I wish the boys could see you! What’s wrong, Cassie?”
“These panties hurt my bottom.”
“When you have a well-spanked bottom, that’s the price you pay, baby. Now, what do you think?”
She opened the dining room door and stepped aside as the girls awed. She had placed a white lace tablecloth over a little round table and had decorated it with white china and flowers. The china even had tiny purple flowers painted on it, the napkins were soft white cotton with lavender trim, and a vase of lilacs graced the very center. She had a three-tiered tray with tiny finger sandwiches, fruit and, of course, the prettiest cookies.
“I’ve never been to a tea-party before,” Cassie whispered, sitting down carefully on the hard, wooden chair.
“Me neither. This is be-you-tee-ful!” Krissy remarked, joining her. Suzanne sat with them, letting them pick what they wanted to eat and put it on their plates.
“Would you like some tea?” she asked. Both girls nodded eagerly, watching as she poured the English tea into the cups and then preparing them with sugar and cream.
“Taste it. It’s real English tea.”
“This is delicious! What’s that?” Cassie asked, pointing to a bowl.
“My favorite. Devonshire cream. These are blueberry scones. Try the cream with one.”
The three girls happily indulged in what, they all decided, would be a regular event. And no boys!
The rest of the evening was spent watching Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid, and munching on cookies after dinner. At 9:00, Suzanne announced it was time for bed and sent the two upstairs to get changed.
“I hate to say this, but I could get used to this.” Kristina admitted, pulling on her sweats and t-shirt.
Cassie nodded, pulling a pink nightie over her head. “It’s different with Aunt Suzanne than with the boys. I really feel like a little girl with her.”
“Maybe because she knows what it’s like to be a mom and has a lot of experience in this. It was nice, though. I’m glad we’re getting along.”
“Me too. I can’t promise I won’t get jealous from time to time.”
“Me, neither. But I’ll try not to.”
“Me, too.”
Suzanne came up to supervise their teeth brushing and going potty before they were tucked in. She sat on the rocking chair and turned the lights down.
“Choice. Do you want a story or for me to sing to you?”
“It depends, Aunt Suzanne. Can you sing?” Cassie asked seriously.
“You tell me,” Suzanne answered. Her alto range, like the rest of her, was warm, rich, and soothing. She sang Autumn Leaves, her voice perfect for the lulling jazz tune. Soon, both little girls were sound asleep. Suzanne smiled, comforted with the knowledge that her girls, her best friend, and this whole odd little family would be just fine. No, better than fine. Perfect.
The End
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve