Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online

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  “Quite the contrary. Yes, we are on speed dial and I do have to worry about you. I kept you up too late last night, I’m sorry.”

  “It wasn't you. I had some inspiration about the research and was writing it out. I just lost track of time.”

  At least she told him the truth, Bryon mused. He cleared his throat. “We talked earlier about you getting some rest and how it affects your thinking. Is it going to be necessary for me to start monitoring your sleep schedule?”

  “Hah hah. You sound like a big brother again. You’re really sweet to want to worry about me, but I’m an adult. I can monitor my own sleep schedule,” Kristina said lightly.

  “We’ll see about that, shorty. I’m playing Strong Safety on your team now, little girl,” he warned in a ominous tone, “If you get yourself sick or hurt, that means you will have to deal with me taking care of you. You obviously need a big brother in your life. You can ask my sister. I’m a mean old bear when it comes to health and welfare. I become very goal oriented and won’t be deterred.”

  Kristina used the opportunity to focus away from herself and hopefully lighten his tone. “Speaking of which: fiancée?”

  “Yeah…. They’re good together. Rob gives her the strength and direction she needs and she makes him laugh.”

  “He didn’t look like he was laughing much today,” Kristina commented, giggling. “Especially after she called him a butthead and then told him to bite her.”

  “Rob’s very particular about respect. All us guys are. We were raised under a somewhat antiquated value system with an old-fashioned, southern gentleman modeling proper manners.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. Really, it’s nice to know that chivalry is not dead. I like it when a man holds the door for me and pulls out my chair. It’s even nice when he offers to carry my bags every now and then,” Kristina admitted, interested in how their conversation was turning. If Bryon was anything like Rob, she knew she was in for a very thought-provoking semester with her part-time philosophy teacher. She had not missed the subtle hints either.

  If you ever need a big brother or daddy fix, you just call…. Hear me, young lady?

  “Get used to it, “Bryon was saying, “I know Suzanne’s going to pay you a stipend. Will it be enough to cut back your work hours?”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  “Excuse me? That’s not an answer.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t ask,” Kristina repeated. “I look at this as an opportunity to gain some experience. I don’t care if I get paid.”

  “That changes immediately,” Bryon said firmly. “I’m going to find out and if it’s enough, you are to reduce your hours. Got me, young lady?”

  “But Bryon….”

  “No buts. Neither Suzanne nor I want you hurting yourself. When’s your next day off?”

  “Monday,” Kristina said quietly, trying to ignore the shivers down her back triggered by Bryon’s tone and his firmly addressing her as a ‘young lady’. The term alone made her feel tiny, protected and desiring to be obedient to him.

  “Would you like to go out for dinner? With me?” Bryon asked boldly.

  Kristina stared at the phone in her hand. “Like…. A date?” she asked cautiously.

  “Yes, like a date. I will pick you up at seven. Dress nice. We’ll go somewhere special.” His tone was light and playful again.

  “I, uh….” Kristina was dumbfounded with the thought that he really wanted to date her. But why? He could have any gorgeous girl he wanted. It made no sense.

  “And you are to get some sleep tonight. No writing. Understand?” he ordered before she could refuse him, hoping that his words would place her immediately into a submissive mindset.

  “Um, yes, Bryon.”

  “Just one more thing, shorty. I don’t like being called a Butthead, either,” Bryon advised teasingly.

  “I’ll try to remember that,” Kristina giggled.

  “Good girl. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Kristina frowned, hanging up the phone. What just happened? Did that gentle, wonderful, smart, gorgeous hunk of solid flesh truly ask her, Kristina Barker, out on a real date? With all the women he could have, why would he ever be interested in dating plain, chubby, redheaded her? Then there was his remark that she could not expunge from her mind.

  If you ever need a big brother or daddy fix, just call….Hear me, young lady?

  Shaking her head, she glanced at her watch. So much for a nap, time to get back to work.

  * * *

  Bryon walked into the house, pausing at the door. The sound of the logs crackling from the blazing, warm fire in the living room blended with the soft echoes of rain as it pelted the roof.

  “I’m home!” he bellowed, breaking the peaceful atmosphere.

  Rob appeared from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. “You’re wet.”

  “Nothing escapes you, does it? Thanks,” Bryon said, accepting the cloth to dry off his unruly dark hair. “I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?”

  “Cass has a casserole of some sort in the oven. She’s trying a new recipe on us tonight.”

  “Yum. I’m so glad you’re letting her cook now. I’d starve to death if it wasn't for her.”

  “Are you complaining about my cooking?” Rob looked insulted.

  “It’s a lot better than mine but, sorry old man, Cassie wins the prize. Speaking of which, where is my naughty little girl?”

  “She should still be in her corner. She got ten of my paddle today.”

  “Ow…. Was she that awful?”

  “No, but I was in one of my moods,” Rob grinned. “She said she wanted to take our relationship as Dominant and Submissive to the next level, so I’m being tougher on her than usual. Absolutely zero tolerance for disrespect, especially in public. We’ll see how long before she changes her mind about our arrangement.”

  “My poor baby.”

  “You’re a sucker for her, Bry. She has you totally wrapped around her little finger,” Rob scolded.

  Bryon flipped off his brother and made his way upstairs. He paused to look as Cassie stood with her nose still in the corner, hands behind her back, and holding her shirt up to expose her flaming red bottom. Shaking his head, Bryon sat on the chaise lounge, “Cassandra? Come here, please.”

  “Daddy! I’m sorry I was so bad.” The woman-child rushed into his large, strong arms.

  He pulled her onto his lap to hold her closely. “We talked about your mouthiness, honey. You know Rob won’t put up with it, even when he’s playing our special game.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it, Daddy. I wasn't thinking.” Cassie sniffed her head tucked under Bryon’s chin.

  He patted her thigh. “Yet, you earned yourself quite a thorough paddling for not thinking. We have rules about how you are to speak to us, even in play. If you break those rules, you are punished. This is the third time we’ve had to remind you.”

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t spank me. I hurt bad already,” she whimpered.

  Bryon lifted her chin to look into her watery green eyes, kissing her nose, “I’m sorry, too, but what kind of Daddy would I be if I allowed you to break the rules and not discipline you for it?”

  “A really really nice one?” came the hopeful answer as the little girl/woman leaned against his chest, softly stroking the fingers of his huge left hand.

  “Very cute, you little monkey. No, I wouldn’t be a very good one. However, I do believe in being fair. I was going to take my belt to your little fanny, but seeing how effective the paddle was, you will only have to deal with my hand.”

  “Please…. Don’t…” Cassie begged as she fought against being put across his knees.

  Bryon frowned. “I can change my mind very quickly. Now, how about if you try thanking me for being really, really nice,” he strongly suggested.

  Gulping down a sob, Cassie wiggled her tummy uncomfortably against his wide, muscular lap. It was like lying across a table, he was so big. She felt his left hand rest ge
ntly on her sensitive naked bottom.

  “I’m waiting,” he said firmly.

  “Thank you, Daddy, for being really, really nice.” Cassie stuttered out.

  “You will get one hundred spanks and then are to sit on your bare bottom at your desk. I want 500 lines from you that say ‘Little girls must be respectful and not talk back to either their Dom or their Daddy while in public.’ Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cassie started to cry, dreading the next move with good reason. Bryon’s left hand felt much like Rob’s heavy wooden paddle as it landed unwelcomingly on the already tender, bruised target of her tiny bottom. Cassie howled, immediately starting to kick to escape. Tsking, Bryon pinned her under his leg, forcing her bottom straight up into the air and exposing not only her reddening cheeks, but also a very wet and wanting pussy. Bryon smirked, not missing the sight.

  “You are being a very naughty and disobedient little girl today. You know better than to kick and fight your Daddy when he has to punish you.”

  “But- it-HURTS!” Cassie wailed as his hand smacked her three more times, focusing on her sit spots.

  “Of course it hurts, it’s a spanking. How else would it work? Now hush up and let’s get this done. I still have over 90 left to give.”

  “OH MY GOD, NOOOOOO! Daddy!! Please—“ SMACK “—Stop!—“ SMACK “— I promise I’ll be good!” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Cassie pleaded, twisting unsuccessfully and pounding the floor with her fists.

  “That’s exactly what you said last week when you told me to eat shit and take a hike. And the time before when you informed Bill to go screw himself. No, ma’am, this disrespect will stop today. I’m seriously tempted to plug you as well,” Bryon said firmly, his hand falling rapidly and with determination as he covered every inch of Cassie’s hind end and upper thighs. She screamed, pleaded, promised and then started to curse angrily, earning even stronger swats to her crimson flesh. She finally resigned to her punishment and lost her will to escape as she collapsed helplessly against him and submissively accepted the final twenty swats.

  Bryon shook his head, surveying his work. She would not be sitting comfortably for the next couple of days, that was for certain. He sincerely hoped she learned her lesson, but he doubted it. “Go get the box,” he commanded, standing her up.

  “Bryon, no…”

  “Do as you’re told or this belt come off,” came the unwavering response. Cassie whimpered helplessly as she handed him the wooden box that contained plugs of various sizes and shapes. Her lower lip trembled as he chose a black, medium size plug with a wide base. “On your knees, Second Position,” he ordered. When she hesitated he started to unbuckle his belt and Cassie rushed to obey. She climbed on top of the bed, lowering her elbows and head to the mattress with her bottom held high in the air. Blood rushed to her face, still embarrassed by being viewed so intimately.

  Bryon ran his large hand over the entire flesh of her high quarters and thighs, his thick fingers reaching down to tug her pussy gently. “I should talk with Rob about getting you pierced down here. I’ve never been one for that type of discipline, but it might work for you. Spread your legs. Wider.”

  Cassie cried into her arms, thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed. She was also a little turned on by his intimacy. Bryon placed lubricant on his finger and plunged it slowly into her tiny puckered hole making her gasp. Then whine. Then howl!

  “What did you put on me! It burns!” she shrieked, her bottom hopping in the air like a Mexican Jumping Bean.

  “Tiger balm. Stay still and don’t fight me or I will go up another size,” Bryon ordered, pushing the tip of the plug against her stinging anus. He slowly pressed it inside of her, ignoring her pleas and howls to remove it. Unlike the ‘pleasure’ plug, this one’s base kept the hole stretched, making it uncomfortable to do anything. With the Tiger balm, Cassie was certain to remember this punishment for a very long time.

  Bryon watched as the girl kicked her feet, unable to relieve the burning sensation that traveled deep inside of her tender rectum. She wiggled her rump back and forth, her cries loud enough to make him wish for ear plugs. He usually preferred cuddling to punishing her, but she had pushed things too far this time. Standing her up, he held both her upper arms and looked at her gently as she fidgeted painfully.

  “This will stay in until bedtime. I love you, baby, but I don’t like this behavior. I hope you learned something,” his eyes were sad.

  Cassie’s lip quivered as she nodded tearfully. “Yes, Daddy. I need to keep my big mouth shut.”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea. Now sit at your desk and start writing. When you are done, bring it to me and I’ll cuddle you.”

  “How can I sit with this awful thing?” she asked. She saw his expression and wisely chose not to ask any more stupid questions. “Yes, sir, Daddy.” Cassie responded obediently and respectfully, her scorched bottom and burning anus reminding her of her required manners. She and Bryon both knew that the lines would be written while standing right now, but neither said anything. With a kiss on the cheek, Bryon exited the bedroom and walked downstairs. He plopped on the couch next to his brother and picked up the paper.

  “Quite a commotion up there. Everything all right?” Rob asked, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

  “Yeah. That little girl is developing quite the leather butt. My hand actually stings a bit this time. I also plugged her, using Tiger Balm,” Bryon sighed, popping open a Diet Coke.

  “Ow. That should make an impression. I’ve been having to introduce her to more wood to get a reaction out of her recently. You know how I love the sound of wood against bare flesh,” Rob’s eyes glimmered.

  “I know how you love your woody, too, you sadistic bastard,” Bryon teased, kicking his brother’s leg.

  “That I do, Brother. That I do.”

  “Gotta question for you. What would you say to a little party? Just the three of us?” Bryon asked, his cock throbbing for release.

  Rob’s eye gleamed with excitement. ”It’s been a long time since we shared a woman. We have to clear it through Cass, though. I don’t believe in forcing us on her.”

  “I was thinking about something a little more sinister. Starting with a blindfold. She won’t know who does what.”

  Rob just grinned, nodding excitedly. “Let’s go for it. Except, it would be good to wait for the Tiger Balm to be gone. Maybe give it a couple of hours. She’s never been penetrated anally, so let’s leave that for another time.”

  “Agreed.” Bryon said, adjusting himself. He couldn’t be a daddy all the time and Glenn was not up to sharing Suzanne!

  * * *

  Late that evening, long after Cassie had fallen asleep, the two snuck into the bedroom and gently wakened her. “Shhh, it’s me. I have a surprise. Keep your eyes closed,” Rob whispered, putting the blindfold over Cassie’s eyes.

  “Robby, I’m tired and my bottom hurts bad. I don’t feel like….playing” she groaned as a mouth latched itself to her left nipple. She gasped as a second mouth suckled on her right nipple and her arms were held firmly over her head. She yipped as restraints were placed upon her wrists. Hands and tongues roamed over her body, touching her everywhere, probing, pressing, tasting, sucking, licking….

  She shivered as teeth bit gently into the erotic zones of her neck, inner elbow, and pelvis. A pair of lips traced down her stomach and paused for a moment at her belly button, probing the tiny indent with a tongue, his hot breath sending tingles down her spine. The lips continued their migration south to murmur into the soft, smooth outer folds of her pussy while kissing, biting, and pulling the silky flesh. Another pair of lips paid homage to her nipples, first her left, then her right, drawing them between his teeth and tongue, making her groan with pleasure. Those same lips grazed her chest, throat and under her chin before encasing her mouth, probing and penetrating it deeply with his tongue.

  She felt hands spread her cunnie wide open, to be looked at, kissed and tasted. She shivered again, kno
wing that these lips did not belong to Rob. She moaned as a thick, hot tongue explored her wetness, thoroughly drinking from her. The moan became a guttural cry as those talented lips firmly pulled her swollen clit in and began to suckle, worshipping her womanhood.

  “Please, fuck me. Hard. I’m begging you.” Cassie pleaded, writhing beneath the barrage of sensation as she spread her knees wide and sought relief. All inhibitions were gone in this blinded state, and her wantonness did not matter. She only cared about fulfillment. Cassie sucked in a breath as a huge, warm body hovered over her, feeling the head of a large cock seek out her wanting cave, tentatively touching the entrance. She lifted her hips, gyrating with need and trying to find the shaft that the head was attached to. A mouth continued to make love to her breasts and neck, his tongue circling around her pink areola then tickling the hardened nub before sucking.. licking…chewing.

  “Get it in me, damn it! Fuck me!!” she commanded, the intense craving to be speared by a hungry cock uncontrollable. She thrust her hips into the air, trying to force the teasing head inside of her. Her ass stung, inside and out, but the pain only heightened her yearning to be penetrated and taken completely. She didn’t care by whom, just as long as her need was satiated.

  Cassie heard a low chuckle as her demands were refused. She snarled as the lips suddenly left her body and she wiggled with frustration. Something soft fell upon her chest and was dragged down across her stomach, pelvis and upper thighs. She knew it had to be the new suede flogger that Suzanne had given to Rob as an engagement present. She had not felt it on her skin yet, and held her breath, not knowing what to expect. Shamelessly, she started to squirm, begging to feel it touch her flesh. Gently, the lashes fell across her breasts, creating a warm tingling that made her arch her back for more. The low chuckle was again heard, and the lashes were repeated, this time a little harder. Cassie was in submissive heaven!

  The pleasure the suede fingers generated far exceeded the tender bite of pain as the flogger’s lashes fell slowly over the entire length of her body. Every nerve was stimulated as the sensual stroking of the soft leather transported her to new heights of desire. Waves of tingling heat began to course through her and she felt her knees being pressed wide apart. Once again, those incredible lips suckled her clit, demanding that she relinquish control of herself and completely submit to them. She obeyed, arching her hips high, legs spread as wide as she could, to meet the insistent tongue that teased her. Cassie inhaled sharply as the mushroomed head of a long, thick cock touched her entry once again, slowly introducing itself before plunging deep within the recesses of her body.