Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online

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  Bill shook his head. “It’s different with men. I wanted grandkids and it looks like none of you are going to give them to me.”

  “I know it’s hard, but you have to allow us to do what's best for our lives. We still love you.”

  “I’m just an old-fashioned, selfish asshole. I’m sorry.”

  Bryon hugged his father. “I understand. I know it’s been a tough year for you. Look at the positive side. Rob has to deal with Cassie now and Suzanne gets Glenn. Your two problem children are someone else’s responsibility.” Bryon smiled.

  Bill glowered. “Are you still involved with Cassie, too?”

  “I have not deviated from my responsibilities with her, if that what you are asking. Nor do any of us intend on that changing,” Bryon said firmly.

  Bill sighed. He now knew about the ‘role’ Bryon had assumed with his step-daughter and, although he still did not understand the dynamics, he could not deny the benefits. Cassie was happy and actually pleasant to be around now. “I wish I could understand, but I still don’t. No matter, it works for you three. And this young lady? Are you going to be involving her in the same way?”

  Bryon shrugged. “Not for me to know right now. She’s unaware of the lifestyle and I would appreciate it if nothing was mentioned.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to worry about me. I wouldn’t know where to begin,” Bill grunted, downing the rest of his coffee before standing. “I gotta go to work. Are you off today?”

  “Yeah. I’ll get that fence fixed for you, ok?”

  “Great, thanks. Have a nice day, son.”

  “You too, Pop.”

  Bryon sat down heavily after his father drove off. He hated conversations like that one and always felt a little guilty for a short time afterwards. It would take time to teach that old dog some new tricks.


  “Well, Looky at what the cat dragged in! Did you sleep well?” Bryon smiled, standing as Kristina entered the living room. She was still dressed in her wrinkled Denny’s uniform, but had brushed her hair and cleaned up her makeup.

  “Like the dead. Thank so much for last night. You were right. I pushed myself too far,” she sighed, accepting the cup of coffee he fixed for her.

  “I’m always right.” Bryon stated bluntly, seating her at the table before joining her.

  “Yes, and also very humble about it. Was that your dad I heard?”

  “He’s on his way to work. We’ll get your car after he comes home. Or, I could call Rob.”

  The fear on her face was obvious. “No! I mean, please don’t. He scared me the other day,” she admitted.

  Bryon was amused. “Rob? He’s a pussycat. What did he do?”

  “Nothing, really. It was… this look he had when he warned me he was as protective as you are.”

  “Yes, his game face. He was telling the truth. He and I are cut from the same cloth. We watch out for our girls very closely and put up with no nonsense.”

  “I’m not your girl.”

  “You will be if I have anything to say about it.” Bryon informed her with a slight smile.

  Kristina blushed. “Don’t I have anything to say about it?”

  “Not really. I always get what I want and I’m a very patient man.”

  Kristina blushed again, her heart racing. He wanted her? It did not make sense, not with his looks, intelligence, and personality. “Why me?” she coughed out.

  “What kind of question is that? You’re beautiful, smart, and funny and a little bit of a brat. Why wouldn’t I want you?”

  “You must be talking about someone else. I’m none of those things. Except maybe the brat,” Kristina argued.

  Bryon leaned forward. “You are all those things and so much, much more. Just count yourself fortunate that we’re just starting our relationship. If I had known you better, you would have been in big trouble for the stunt you pulled last night.”

  “I couldn’t help being so tired. Do you think I wanted to fall asleep while driving?”

  “There was no reason to take a double shift after you stayed up the whole night before writing. What exactly were you writing, anyway?”

  “Nothing interesting. It was ideas for the project.”

  “Really? I’d like to read it.”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “Why not? You will eventually have to submit your findings to Suz to get paid. Did you know she’s been authorized a stipend of $300 a week for you?”

  “That’s nearly what I make working doubles!”

  “Then whatever you write better be good. I’m editing it, remember? What were your ideas?”

  Kristina blushed furiously, “I can’t tell you.”

  “Hmmm. What if I told you that I got you into a special club as a guest to observe some people who participate in the lifestyle?”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “I have my connections. I will be going with you, though. There is no way I will allow you to go there without supervision.” There it was again, that ‘look’ that was so much like his older brother’s.

  Kristina shivered. “When did you want to go?” she asked warily.

  “I thought maybe tonight after dinner. They are having a party and invited us to come.”

  “We don’t have to…. you know…”

  “No, you won’t be participating. I want you to stay close to my side, too. I don’t want to be hunting for you.”

  “Thanks, Bry. For everything. I really mean it.”

  “You’re welcome. But, I’m warning you, Krissy, if this ever happens again, you will regret it,” Bryon said sternly.

  Kristina raised her eyebrow in a challenge. “What are you going to do? Put me in diapers and spank me?” she retorted with a crooked smile.

  Bryon met her eye. “In a heartbeat. Over my knee and right on your bare bottom. Don’t think for a second that I’m either unable or unwilling to carry out this promise. Nor will you think it’s funny when I do.”

  Kristina stared at him once again, her mouth hanging open. Oh My God, he was serious!

  Chapter Five

  Bryon returned to the farm after dropping Kristina off at her dorm to ready herself for their first date/after dinner party. He was smiling broadly when he entered through the front door, pausing to stare at the stocks that Rob had left in the center of the living room.

  “Um… ok…. Hello? Is anyone home?” he called, looking carefully and with interest, at the device.

  “Daddy! I missed you!” Cassie yelled, racing down the stairs and flinging herself into Bryon’s arms. He caught her easily, spinning her around and landing a big kiss on her lips.

  “I missed you too, baby. Did you have fun playing with Rob while I was gone?”

  “OH YES! We did some new, really bad things,” she giggled mischievously. Bryon sat down, pulling her onto his hard lap.

  “Wanna give me details?”

  “You’re such a voyeur,” Cassie teased.

  “It’s not fair, I wasn't here to see anything,” Bryon pouted.

  “All I can tell you is that no little girl plays the special game I did with Robby. He made that thing,” Cassie pointed to the stocks, “and locked me in it. I couldn’t see anything behind me. He also used that flogger Suzanne got for us. I LOVE IT!”

  “That’s a change of pace. Since when do you like implements?”

  “This felt good! I can’t explain it, but it was very soothing, like a massage.”

  “Do you think that maybe it was because Rob knows what he’s doing?”

  “It made every inch of my body tingle. He then decided to take advantage of my position,” she giggled again, blushing slightly.

  Bryon raised his eyebrow. “Hmmm, did he take out the anal toys?”

  “How did you guess?” Cassie rolled her eyes.

  He kissed her cheek, squeezing her tightly. “Let’s see; you are locked in the stocks, bottom bared and completely accessible to whatever is desired, plus you have the most adorable little bac
kside I’ve ever seen…. It’s rather predictable, don’t you think?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “So you had some ‘backdoor’ playtime… anything else?”

  Cassie blushed again, suddenly realizing how candidly she was discussing her sexual activities with Bryon. She had grown accustomed to him watching on occasion, but had never discussed it with him openly!

  He noticed her discomfort. “I can’t believe after all we’ve been through together that you are getting embarrassed. That’s silly. I’ve seen every inch of you.”

  “I’m still new at this, Bry. Give me a break.”

  Bryon hugged her closely, kissing her cheek as he pressed her against his chest. “I know. I forget sometimes. How are you holding up with all this?”

  “I’m happy. I really am. I love Rob and you so much and want to make both of you proud. I still get scared at times, but Rob always reassures me. I can tell Bill is bothered a bit by our relationship, but I don’t want to give it up for the world. I still find myself wondering what’s wrong with me if I think about it too much, you know?”

  “I do. I went through the same thing when I first got started in the lifestyle,” Bryon confessed, leaning back against the couch, still holding her snugly to him.

  “How did it happen? I mean, how did you find out about this type of thing?”

  “Well, for as long as I can remember, there was a part of me that needed to take care of helpless things. It didn’t matter what, I wanted to protect, nurture, educate, and guide. Not in a feminine way at all, but very firm, direct and no-nonsense. I saw a movie once that had a headmaster of a girl’s school and I fantasized about being him for the longest time. It really surfaced when Glenn was born. I couldn’t wait to babysit and take care of him. The problem though, is that he was a boy. I wanted a little girl.”

  “You don’t know what brought this on?”

  “No, it was just part of my personality. Just like Rob. He was always very commanding and bossy, unwavering in his decisions, right or wrong. He was the one, though, who introduced me to the scene. Indirectly, of course,” he chuckled, “I was 16 when I walked in on him spanking his girlfriend in the living room. I remembered just standing there with my eyes glued to her bare bottom. It was cherry red and wiggling all over the place.”

  “That poor thing!” Cassie exclaimed.

  “When Rob was done with her, she just bawled like a baby. All I wanted to do was hold her and make things better. That is, until, he offered to share her discipline with me. In no time, she was across my lap and I was applying this killer left hand to her already very warm behind. I was in heaven.”

  “Now I really feel sorry for her. Your hand is as bad as Rob’s paddle,” Cassie shuddered.

  “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t mean it as a compliment!” Cassie scoffed, smacking his arm, “Go on.”

  “Well, after Rob took her home with a warning to never smoke again, he and I had a long, brotherly talk. We were always real close, but this was the clincher. From that moment on, we started secretly exploring the lifestyle. It was hard to find anything about it, even on the computer. I mean, we had to hide what we were doing from Pop. Rob was about 20 when he found out about the Club in Vegas and got himself ‘edumacated’ in D&S. You know the rest.”

  “You have that look… the one I don’t like,” Cassie bit her lip, seeing his eyes twinkle.

  “You know me so well, my darling. I need a fix now that you got me talking about it.”

  “Awww, Bry…. I’m still so sore from yesterday! Please, no……….”

  “You don’t want to make Daddy upset with you now, do you, Cassandra?” Bryon asked sternly. Sighing, the girl shook her head and laid face down over his lap. Pouting, she propped her chin on her hands as he happily peeled down her sweats and panties. He tsked, gently running his hand over some tiny bruises.

  “It looks like my little girl got herself spanked recently.”

  “You know what happened…OW!” she shrieked as his hand smacked smartly onto her right cheek.

  “Is that how you talk to your Daddy, young lady?”

  “No, Daddy. I’m sorry. Robby spanked me. A lot.” Cassie submitted with a sigh.

  “What did you do to deserve it?” he rubbed her gently, tracing a tiny bruise with his finger.

  “Nothing this time! I swear!”

  “So, he spanked you to make sure you kept on being a good girl?” he teased.

  “Yes, Daddy. It’s not fair when he does that.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you didn’t complain too much,” Bryon laughed, knowing his brother well, “You wouldn’t lie to your Daddy and tell me that you hate the attention, would you?”

  “Well…. He DID do some really NICE things,” Cassie giggled, “OW!”

  “You are such a naughty little girl. One who needs her bottom reddened frequently to remind her to stay out of trouble. Hmmm?”

  “OW! Yes, daddy,” Cassie squirmed as his large hand fell three more times across her still tender rump. Bryon laughed,

  “What else did Robby do to you after he spanked this little hot bottom?” His hand fell four more times, feeling the girl jerk underneath it.

  “He… OW! He used his mouth on me. OOOOWWW!” Cassie squealed, struggling to escape. Bryon tucked her knees beneath his left leg, pulling her over his right knee more to bring her bottom high in the air.

  “Where did he use his mouth?” Bryon asked, smacking the crown of her right cheek.

  “On my pussy and… OWWWW!”

  “Where else?” Bryon asked, tormenting her. He and Rob had decided to get her to start verbalizing more things to help her go beyond her ‘point and giggle’ conversations regarding sex. Bryon had to admit, being a voyeur; he also enjoyed listening to her descriptions.

  “You’re mean!”

  “I have my sadistic moments, true. Where else did he put his mouth?” He spanked her five more times. Cassie held back tears. Even when he played, it hurt!

  “He kissed my thighs and my bottom where he spanked me. He also kissed, you know…”

  “No, I don’t. Tell me.”

  “Where you put that nasty plug thing. Please stop!” she cried out as he smacked her twice more, his flat hand leaving dark blotches in the center of her jiggling mounds. “My bottom hole! He kissed my bottom hole!” she cried out.

  “That wasn’t so hard to say now, was it? Go upstairs and bring me your special toy box.”

  “But Bryon….”

  The special toy box was for big girls. Cassie groaned as she yanked her sweats up and ran to obey. It was times like this that she saw how similar the brothers were, and it rarely fared well for her. Dragging her feet, she handed him the wooden, shoebox sized container. Glancing at the clock, Bryon smiled. He had plenty of time before he left to pick up Kristina.

  “Has Rob made love to you in that special place yet, Cassandra?”

  Cassie blushed, shaking her head.

  “I bet he would love to do that while you were locked up in those stocks, don’t you?”

  Cassie mumbled something, realizing that was why Rob left the stocks out for Bryon to see. The two of them had a one track mind and that usually started with her bottom.

  “Let’s give you a special shower and then get you all ready for when Rob comes home from work, ok?”

  “NO! Bryon, not that! I hate enemas!” Cassie now looked genuinely distressed.

  “You’ve only had it that one time, so stop the theatrics.”

  “Can’t you do this to Kristina?” Cassie pleaded as he went into the kitchen to prepare his bag.

  “We haven’t even had our first date. That would be silly.”

  “Oh Gawd! Why are you being like this today? Please?” Cassie begged some more as he laid some towels on the leather couch.

  “Can’t you tell? I’m getting ready for a date and need to get this out of my system. Be a good sport.”


  “What’s all this yell
ing about?” Rob asked, coming in through the garage door.

  Cassie raced into his arms, and then hid behind his broad, tall frame. “Protect me! Bryon’s being mean!”

  “Bryon? Not Daddy?” Rob sounded entertained, pulling her out from behind him and kissing her quickly. He held her firmly by the hand as he walked into the living room. “So, you got my hint, little brother.”

  “You’re home early. I was trying to set up a surprise for you, but somebody wasn't cooperating.”

  “That’s not like you, Cass. I thought we took care of your lack of cooperation a while back,” Rob said, taking off his coat and pushing up the sleeves to his sweater. Cassie paled.

  “I’m not in the MOOD today! Please don’t….”

  “Didn’t we both tell you that you don’t need to be in the MOOD as long as one, or both of us, were?” Rob asked, sitting on the couch and beckoning to her. She shook her head and stomped her foot.

  “No! I don’t feel like playing today.”

  “Are you sick?”


  ‘No headache, tummy aches, PMS?”


  “So you have no excuse to be so defiant or disrespectful to us? You’re just being a brat because you think you can get away with it?” Rob asked firmly.

  Cassie felt tears coming to her eyes. “I just don’t feel like playing today. I need a break,” she sniffed quietly, watching their exchange. Rob nodded to Bryon.

  “Go upstairs and get changed for bed.” Bryon ordered, pointing.

  Cassie’s face fell; she could see she had disappointed both of them. “But it’s only four,” she whined.

  “Cassandra, I will take off my belt if I have to tell you again. Get into your pajamas, brush your teeth, and go straight to bed. Consider this a Time Out.”

  Cassie stared at him. Being sent to bed without dinner? Holding back a sob, she ran upstairs, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

  “She’s baaaaaaack.” Rob grinned.