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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 7
Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online
Page 7
“Sorry, I was trying to get her moving in the direction you wanted. I got her talking a bit, but then she put the brakes on.”
“Give her some more time. Meanwhile, let her stew. She’ll be wondering if one of us will be coming up there after the door slamming. Are you hitting the party tonight?”
“Yep. Did you spread the word about discretion?”
“Yeah, Hank said he’ll treat you like a stranger unless you say otherwise. He also wondered when we would bring Miss Cassie with us.”
“Not until she minds better and can stay comfortably in her role. All that grown up play made her feel like an adult,” Bryon winked.
“If you get a chance, ask Hank how he deals with his little girl when she’s too big for her britches.” Rob suggested, pouring a cup of coffee for the two of them.
“He uses a strap on her. So far, Miss Cassie had avoided her Daddy’s belt, but I’m thinking we are going to get there soon if the defiance keeps up. It’s your fault, you know,” Bryon scolded Rob.
“Mine? What did I do?”
“Since you put that pretty, shiny thing on her finger, she’s slipped more and more into being a grown up. She’s going to get confused if we don’t settle her quickly.” Bryon sat down, watching his brother as he sipped his coffee.
Rob pondered over his words. “You’re probably right. We should talk with Suz about it, too. She always knows what to do.”
“Suzanne is going to be avoiding me for a while because I promised her a serious bun warming for her manipulative little game, remember? She knows me well enough that I’ll do it, and I’m one of the few people who she isn’t strong enough to fight,” Bryon stated.
“You don’t think we’re hurting Cass, do you?” Rob sounded concerned.
“Nah, she’s still discovering herself. We just can’t allow her to take on too much responsibility yet. Maybe we should consider putting her into daycare or getting her a nanny while we’re at work.”
“I don’t know…. I don’t like the idea of anyone other than us disciplining her. I’m afraid she’ll feel like she failed us and go back to that depression.”
“Yeah… ok. Lemme call Suz.” He rolled his eyes when the answering machine came on, knowing she was screening her calls. “Suzanne? Answer the phone! Rob and I need to talk to you about a little problem.” He used the code words for trouble with Cassie.
“Yes? I was busy,” Suzanne answered snippily.
“Don’t you go copping an attitude with me too, Missy. Be pissed at me after I paddle you raw. We’re having Cassie problems, can you talk?” he asked, putting the phone on speaker.
“What's wrong? Is she alright?” Suddenly Suzanne’s voice changed to concern. Sighing, Bryon told her of the events.
Suzanne was quiet for a while. “Ok, several things. One, you need to be consistent if you want her to be consistent. You can’t switch your role back and forth and not expect her to do the same. Got it?”
“Yes.” Both men answered.
“Second, she’s not ready for too many big girl games. Rob, decide what role you want to be in with her. If you’re her Dom, then she can be a big girl when you two are alone. If Bry is around, keep the sex to a minimum right now and focus on the training. Let her know this so she doesn’t get confused. Your situation is unusual in that she has two Tops and she can never feel there is any conflict regarding your places with her.”
“Gotcha, Suz.” Rob said, leaning back on the couch.
“Regarding her recent refusal to cooperate….I have my own solution to the enema issues and she would not like that one bit.”
“We’re listening.”
“Either she submits or she wears diapers. Simple. If she thought the enemas were humiliating, think of how she’ll feel if she is forced to potty in a diaper.”
“You thought I was sadistic?” Rob asked his brother. “Go on, please.”
“Have you decided her age group yet? You’re confusing her by allowing her to do things beyond the expectations of her age. For example, three year olds do not cook, stay home unsupervised, or dress themselves. You boys need to do some research in child development and then go from there.”
“Do you have any suggestions?” Bryon asked with a frown.
“She seems to have adopted the age from when that asshole of a sperm donor deserted her. She was, what?”
“Eight,” both men said.
“Hmm, that age is generally more about guidance and reminders, more responsibility and choice making. It seems that she is placing herself into that bracket without your knowledge. She is in control and comfortable, which gives her a sense of power. If you want submission, I’d think about going a bit younger.” Suzanne paused for a moment.
“Maybe four, five at the most,” she continued, “That is a time before they start being completely independent but still can help take care of themselves,” she suggested, “At that age, they are doing some reading, the dexterity is higher, communication effective and they are socially more adjustable without quite as many tantrums.”
“What do we need to do?” Bryon asked seriously.
“Take some parenting classes, you nitwit. Do your homework and stop trying to make the child guess what you expect from her. And, for crying out loud, do NOT send her to bed without dinner. She’s too skinny. If she acts up, give her a good spanking and let it be done with.”
“I’m a terrible parent,” Bryon sulked.
“No, you’re a new parent. Honey, do you think I knew everything when my daughters were born? No, we all make mistakes. It’s just easier when they really are babies because we don’t have to apologize all the time for our fuck ups. Now, I’m making this offer. I have a three day weekend coming up for an administrator day and my daughter is out of town. Let me take Cass for that time.”
“Without us?” Rob sounded panicked.
“You are such a terd. Yes, without you. Take your pain in the ass little brothers and go do something manly. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to take a hot bubble bath and read a book. Bryon? Have fun on your date and call me with the details.”
“Are you going to pick up the phone?”
“If you stop threatening to spank me.”
“It was no threat, Suzanne. It was a promise I intend to keep. Hey!”
“She hung up on you,” Rob informed his brother.
“So what else is new? Ok, let me go handle our little one and then I gotta start getting ready. Unless you want to….”
“Nope, this is your doing, Bro,” Rob snorted, grabbing the remote and sitting in front of the TV.
Bryon trudged up the stairs and walked into the main bedroom without knocking. Cassie was on her bed, in her pajamas, crying as though her heart was breaking. He sat down and started to gently rub her back. “I’m sorry, honey. I was wrong. I shouldn’t confuse you like that,” he said softly. Cassie didn’t answer and just kept crying. Bryon sighed, “I know this is new for you, baby girl. In a way, it’s new for me, too. Aunt Suzanne just ripped me a new one. She straightened me out and told me what I did wrong. You know Daddy loves you, don’t you?”
“I know Bryon loves me,” came the sniffling response.
Bryon scooped her up in his arms, cradling her like a baby. “Daddy loves you so much, my sweet. I’m so sorry. We’re going to make a lot of changes so this doesn’t happen again. To start with, no more big girl responsibilities. You can help us in the kitchen, but you will not be cooking unsupervised anymore, or left home alone without someone to watch you.”
“But you and Rob are at work and I only have class twice a week!”
“Calm down. I’m going to give you a choice. Would you want us to get you a babysitter or go to daycare?”
“I don’t want to go to daycare or have a babysitter. I want to stay home by myself and watch TV.” Cassie began to pout.
Bryon relaxed, she was slipping back into her role. “No, you’re too young. The only other option is going to work with one of us. You would be ve
ry bored, though.”
“I could bring my computer and play games or watch movies.”
“I’ll talk with Rob about it, ok? Another thing is that we won’t allow anymore tantrums. You will be getting a lot of spankings if we see any more defiance, ok?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Just try to remember that whenever I’m around, you are my little Cassie. If you and Rob are alone, he can give you permission to be a big girl with him, but it’s up to him. Is that going to be hard to remember?”
“No, sir.”
“Now, listen carefully to me. Aunt Suzanne thought it was a good idea to figure out how old you need to be to be the most comfortable, so we are going to try some new things. Some you might not like, but you need to remember what will happen if you don’t do as you’re told. Do you know what that will be?”
“I’ll get a spanking,” Cassie whispered, leaning into his hard chest.
“Yes, you will. Aunt Suzanne is feeling sorry for you, so she asked if she could have you over this weekend to play with you. She’s off for three days and her daughter will be gone. She wants Rob and me to take Glenn somewhere.”
“So you can lose him?” Cassie asked playfully.
Bryon hugged her. “How tempting that would be! Would you like to spend the weekend with Suz?”
“Oh yes! I love Aunt Suzanne!”
“And you’ll be a good girl for her?”
“The very, very bestest!”
Interesting, Bryon thought, she slipped into an even younger role when he mentioned Suzanne’s name.
“That’s my girl. Ok, you can go downstairs and stay up with Rob. He’s making dinner so you better remember your manners. I have a date and need to get ready.”
“Ok. Daddy?”
“What, baby?”
“I love you. I’m sorry I made you mad.”
“It was my fault this time, precious. I love you too and I’m sorry I pushed you too hard. I want you to have fun with Robby tonight.”
“Can I get changed?” Cassie asked, eyeing her Tweetie pajamas. Bryon shook his head.
“No, keep them on for now. It will help remind you that you are still just a little girl.”
With one final kiss, he left to prepare for his date.
Chapter Six
Kristina paced nervously, watching the clock. She had dressed in a turquoise blue sweater, a flared black skirt and her favorite turquoise leather boots. She put her hair into a French braid, tucking it under with some ringlets to the side and carefully applied her makeup. Pleased with her appearance, she now waited impatiently for her prince charming to arrive.
Bryon was, if anything, prompt, if not early. Seeing her waiting outside the dorm, he pulled to the front and exited the car. “You look beautiful! You didn’t have to wait out here, I would have come up to get you,” he said, delivering a quick kiss on her cheek as he opened the door for her. There were flowers on the seat.
“Are these for me?” Kristina asked excitedly, smelling the salmon colored roses.
Bryon reached across her to buckle her seatbelt. “You spoiled my surprise. I was going to bring them to your door so all the girls would see what a great boyfriend you were getting. I remembered you saying this was your favorite color rose,” he said before closing her door and walking back around.
He remembered? Wow! “No one has ever given me flowers before. Thank you.” Kristina blushed, hugging the bouquet to her chest.
“Get used to it. Pop raised us to give flowers and chocolate. Although, with Rob, the chocolate rarely finds its way to the girl,” he laughed, starting the car.
Kristina was quiet for a moment, gathering her courage. “Bry? Can we be totally honest and up front with each other? I don’t like to play guessing games.”
“I insist on it, Krissy. What’s on your mind?”
“A couple of things. I mean, how do I say this? You’ve said a few things that have me wondering and, well, maybe it’s because of this study.”
“You’re losing me, hon. Just ask.”
“Were you really serious when you made that threat about spanking me?” There! She said it!
“I don’t threaten, I promise. Yes, I was very serious,” Bryon answered, glancing at her briefly as he drove. He hid his smile, seeing her squirm. “Have you ever been spanked before?”
“Only when I was little, by a babysitter. Don’t you think I would be way too old for something like that?”
“Do you?”
“Of course! I’m an adult. Spankings are for children.”
“Unless the adult is behaving like a child. How many happy marriages do you know about these days?”
“Honestly? Very few. Everyone seems to be getting divorced or fighting. It’s scary. Why?”
“Precisely. I don’t believe in fighting, nor do I want to be in a relationship where there is no respect, truth or love. Have you ever had a boyfriend?”
“Of course. Several, in fact.”
“Why did you break up?”
“Well,” Kristina thought carefully, “the first one was because we were both too young and it was our first relationship. The second one was because he just wanted to get me into bed and I wasn't interested. The third….” She grew silent.
“What about the third?” Bryon probed.
“All we did was argue. About everything. I knew that we’d both be screaming our heads off within an hour of being together. The sex was good, but the relationship sucked. It made me miserable.”
“Did you love him?”
“I thought I did. But, I certainly didn’t respect him. I don’t go for screamers.”
“Me, neither. If we have a problem, then we will talk. I want to hear your opinions, thoughts, and feelings about everything. However, as the man in the relationship, it is my responsibility to make sure that my woman is safe, comfortable and cared for. She has to trust me to know that I have her best interests in mind when I guide her and, if she defies me, then I need to enforce myself as her leader. That means, she will find herself with her bottom in the air, panties down and getting her backside thoroughly and completely paddled.”
“Are you just into that for the kinks?”
“I can’t say that I don’t enjoy spanking as part of foreplay, but what I’m talking about is real discipline. I’m an old fashioned type of guy. I told you that.” Bryon pulled into a parking spot and turned to look at his date. “Do you think you will have a problem with me as I am? Just say so and we’re still friends. Nothing will change that.”
“As long as I keep myself out of trouble, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Kristina grinned, not willing to give up her chance with this incredible man for fear of a possible spanking. Besides, he was so gentle and aware of his size. She was sure he would never hurt her.
“Correct,” Bryon grinned back, getting out to open her door for her. “I hope you like French. This place rocks. Cassie recommended it.”
Kristina eyed him, nodding as she took his proffered arm. She must have told him that French was her favorite cuisine otherwise, how would he know?
Bryon watched Kristina carefully, assessing her responses to his comments and flagging her with some questions of his own. “Truth. How are you doing with this assignment Suzanne gave you to research?”
“Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t find it intriguing and a little seductive. I mean, what girl wouldn’t want a man to wait on her hand and foot?” Kristina asked, sipping a second glass of wine, “How about you?”
“What do you mean? It’s not my assignment. I’m just helping out.”
“Does the man get spanked if he’s caught lying, Bryon?” Kristina asked maliciously, seeing him raise his eyebrow. The wine was starting to get to her!
“I’m guessing he would if he were involved as a submissive.”
“Oh, come on! You’re so into it!” Kristina exclaimed, smacking his hand. “I can tell you like the idea of being a big brother or a daddy.”
“I love being
a big brother and, yes, I would love to be a daddy. I don’t understand,” Bryon said innocently.
Kristina stared straight at him with a challenging expression. “Go on, deny it. The thought of this lifestyle is as appealing to you as it is for me!” she blurted before realizing what she had said. Well, guess that knocked the cat right out of the bag! What was even more surprising was that Bryon didn’t laugh at her.
“Of course it’s appealing. Anything taboo is of interest, otherwise it wouldn’t be taboo. What I find fascinating is you. When did this occur?”
“Damn, I’ve had too much to drink. I can’t believe I said that.” Kristina, hid her face with her hands. Bryon pulled them away, enclosing her small, pale hands in his large, darkly tanned ones.
“Please, tell me,” he asked, making her look into her eyes.
“That night when you made that statement, about if I ever needed a big brother or a daddy fix, to call you. Then you called me ‘young lady’. That’s what I was up writing about all night. I am SO embarrassed.”
“No, don’t be. Anything else trigger you?”
“Yes, your brother at the restaurant and how he demanded my safety, then when you picked me up from the police station and threatened… promised to spank me if I ever pulled that stunt again. Part of me… well…”
“Wanted me to take control and carry out my promise?” Bryon asked simply. Kristina’s face matched the color of her wine. He smiled, squeezing her hand. “Trust me, I will if you displease me. Would you seriously be interested in exploring the lifestyle? If anything, to appease your own curiosity? It would make some very interesting research.”
“I couldn’t.”
“Why not?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’d need a partner. And I know nothing about it.” Kristina admitted, furiously blushing and avoiding his face.
“Kristina, look at me,” he ordered firmly, his tone taking a turn. Slowly, she raised her eyes, “First, no more alcohol. You are not old enough to drink.”
“I’m 22….”
“Maybe your body, but you have the heart of a little girl. And little girls don’t drink wine. They also mind their daddys. Understand?”