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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Page 8
Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two Read online
Page 8
“Yes.” Kristina whispered, unable to resist being pulled completely into his presence. He commanded her attention and her response.
“You do have a partner to see you through this journey if you desire it. Me.”
“You? Are you kidding?”
“No. I’ve been looking for my own little girl for a long time. Maybe you will be her.”
Kristina felt a rush wash over her body, from her head to the bottoms of her feet. She resisted the urge to stick her thumb in her mouth as she bowed her head. Way too much wine!
“This isn’t a game, though. It’s a lifestyle. There is no room for lies or second-guessing. You have to be completely honest with yourself and your partner at all times. You have to learn to let go and trust like you never have before and it’s very difficult to release yourself in the beginning. We could role-play, but I prefer the real thing.”
“You really are into this, then? Is that why Suzanne set us up?” Kristina was amazed.
Bryon shrugged. “Suzanne got us together to have me help you pass your class. The assignment she gave you was real. She had no way of foretelling that you would want to explore it. Especially with me.”
“Does she know about you?”
“She does. She also knows about my family and our dynamics.” Bryon said, laying the foundation of trust with her.
“Rob and Cass? They are involved in the lifestyle, too?”
“Rob is Cassie’s Dom. I’m her Daddy.”
“What?!” Kristina looked stricken.
“Calm down. I’m a source of healing for her. She’s also very excited to know she might get a sister one day and that Rob will be an uncle.”
“You mean that if I, well, get involved with you, I…”
“Also inherit my crazy family. Yes. Krissy? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?”
“No! You said everything right!” Kristina tried to wipe her eyes with her napkin, “I’ve wanted a family for such a long time and then this…. It’s too good to be true.”
“Cassie’s very happy with it most of the time. But we will go very slowly and really develop our dynamics. I’ve known Cass for 12 years as her big brother so becoming her Daddy was easy.”
“What would I call you if we did this?” Kristina sniffed, pouting as he took her wine from her hand.
“I told you, no more drinking. What would you like to call me?” Bryon asked, kissing her palm.
Kristina smiled. “Papa. I’d like to call you Papa.”
“And for now on, you’re my little Krissy.”
Kristina found herself smiling sporadically throughout the meal. Bryon was wonderful company, a great conversationalist, funny and enchanting. She could not quite get over the ‘Papa’ thing, perhaps because she was sobering up. She had so many questions that Bryon finally called a halt to it all.
“For now on, young lady, you are to bring your journal. Write all your questions down and we’ll try to address them later. You look surprised.”
“Oh shit! Suzanne was right! All the questions… I’m asking them!”
“No more swearing. Nice young ladies watch their mouths and do not cuss.”
“Bryon! Are you listening to me? I’M THE RESEARCH PROJECT!”
“Shhh, you’re too loud. That’s a switch,” Bryon grinned, finger over his lips, “usually I’m the one told to lower my voice.”
Kristina was giddy with excitement. She started sharing about how she could piece the project together and then suddenly froze, mid-sentence.
“Run out of breath?” Bryon teased, sipping his wine and watching her from over the rim of his glass.
“You said you had two brothers. Rob’s the eldest, right? And you’re a middle child. Who’s the youngest?”
“Glenn. He’s 22,” Bryon smiled affectionately.
Kristina frowned. “He doesn’t live the lifestyle like you and Rob, does he?”
“Holy Shit! He’s the one who sits across from Suzanne and fidgets! I thought he looked a little like you two!”
“Yes, that’s Glenn. And you will be punished for swearing again. I warned you.”
Kristina ignored him, excited in her discovery, “He’s involved with Suzanne, isn’t he? In reverse though! He’s her little boy!”
“You’re a smart one, except with a filthy little mouth. They’ve been together since December.”
“And the friend she told me she was counseling?”
“The truth. Not in our crowd, but in another group. Suzanne is one of the leading researchers in alternative lifestyle components. She’s one of the best Domme’s I know, too. And my closest friend, next to my bro.”
“I can picture that woman in black latex with a whip . She must be a frightening sight,” Kristina shuddered.
“Nope. She prefers royal blue silk and black lace. Sorry. She says leather makes her chafe. When she goes out, though, she wears business suits.”
“How did she get into this?”
“You’ll have to ask her to tell you her story one day. Not during working hours, though. Keep things professional,” Bryon cautioned.
“Of course. I’m not suicidal,” Kristina retorted. She smiled as the waiter brought them desert and clapped her hands happily. “I love Crème Brule. Thank you so much for dinner and these flowers. It’s been a perfect date so far.”
“You are welcome. It’s easy when you have beautiful company. You’re blushing! Soon your bottom is going to look like that,” he whispered across the table.
“Oh stop it. No need for that.”
“Papas that don’t follow through with their promises aren’t very good ones. That’s what I have to tell my Cassie-girl all the time. We’ll take care of business when we get to the party.”
“Are you kidding! In front of people!”
“Of course not. Hank has a room I can use. While we’re there, do not, under any circumstance, leave my sight. I can’t tell you how serious I am about that. There are some Dom’s who think they can command a sub at parties like this and refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer. I will not permit anyone other than my family to touch you.”
“You told me that already. Don’t worry, Papa,” she tried. It felt good on her tongue. Bryon looked pleased.
“Good girl. It will get easier to say with time. Ready?” he asked, pulling the chair out for her. After buckling her into the front seat and closing her door, he got in and started the car. Kristina was hanging onto the grip. “Nervous?”
He didn’t ask of what, nor did she volunteer. They both knew it had nothing to do with the party!
* * *
Kristina felt dwarfed as Bryon tucked her protectively under his massive left arm. He rang the bell of the large, brick three-story house that was located in the back of a gated 8 acre, wooded lot. The grounds were manicured, and laced with fountains and tiny tree lights, giving a warm and inviting glow to the small mansion. Bryon reached down to kiss the top of her head.
“Everything will be fine,” he reassured her. An older man answered the door,
“Bryon! It’s so good to see you, son! How’s the family?” He gave Bryon a huge hug and a kiss on both cheeks.
“Wonderful! Thanks for having us, Hank. This is Kristina. She’s the one Rob told you about. Krissy, sweetheart, be a good little girl and say hello to Mr. Hank.”
“How do you do, sir?” Kristina asked, resisting the urge to curtsy before the cheerful, but intimidating, gray-haired man.
“Ahhh, so she knows…. Excellent. No pretending then?” Bryon shook his head with a smile. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Krissy. Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable. You know the rules, Bry. Knock on closed doors and no playing without consent.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Hank, but would it be ok if I ask questions?”
“Oh course, honey, just don’t ask for names.”
“Do you engage in this lifestyle?” she asked nervously, taking out her notebook.
He offered her a seat. “What a big question for such a little girl! Yes, for Forty years now. Would you like to meet my little girl?”
“Yes, please!”
Hank waved his hand and a striking, mature woman approached them. Kristina stared. She was in her mid-late 50’s, slender, with her pale blonde hair in two braids alongside of her face. She was wearing a pink velvet jumper with poodles on the pocket and matching pink sneakers.
“Krissy, this is Hildy. She’s 12. Hildy, this is Krissy. She’s Bryon’s brand new little one.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Krissy. How old are you?”
“22, ma’am.”
Hildy looked around, confused. Hank laughed, affectionately smacking her rump,
“She’s new at this, honey. She was talking to you. She respects her elders, unlike some children I know.”
Hildy blushed. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to greeting newcomers. Do you want some wine?”
“No, thank you. I’m not allowed to drink anymore. Water would be great, thanks.”
“You girls have fun. Hildy, please try to answer her questions best as you can, ok?”
“Yes, sir, Uncle Hank.”
Kristina sipped her water, sitting down next to the elegant woman. “I’m so sorry I’m staring. I’m overwhelmed with all this.”
“When did it hit you?”
“It was creeping up until this evening during dinner. It was our first date.”
“The same happened with Hank and me. He drew me in like a fish on a hook. I never knew it was coming.”
“You called him Uncle? And he said you’re twelve?”
“Each family has their own, personal relationship and chooses whatever term of endearment they want. I knew I wanted a male authority in my life, but not a father. My father was a nasty, abusive SOB who is better off dead. An uncle, though, was acceptable for me. Hank’s ten years older than me and wanted a pre-teen. It allowed me to stay home alone when he had to work, and do more grown-up chores. That age allowed me to still be young enough to play and be corrected as needed.”
“How long have you been together, doing this?”
“We just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary.”
“Wow. You never hear of people being together for that long anymore.”
“You’d be surprised about the longevity in true D&S marriages. We don’t fight, there is no name calling or secrets. Mistakes are dealt with immediately and then put aside forever. You’ll not hear any of us throw the past in our partner’s face. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“How did you deal with the, uh, you know…”
Hildy laughed, patting her hand. “You’re either asking about the clothing, the restrictions or the spankings. Which one?”
“The latter.”
“I’m guessing by the look on your face that Bryon had promised you one. Knowing that young man, it was either for putting yourself in danger or swearing.”
“Swearing during dinner. I’m hoping he’ll forget. I’ve never been spanked before, I mean, as an adult by a man.”
“It’s fabulous. Hurts like the bejeezus and is humiliating, but afterwards… the right man with the right technique can cleanse all wrong doing from your heart and mind, and make you feel loved, desired and special. Bry’s a cuddler, so you’re in for a special treat. I love the delicious sting afterwards,” the older woman giggled, “it takes love-making to the next level.”
“Bry promised to take things slow. Do some people have problems with the familial terms? I don’t mean to sound strange, but it’s kind of weird. I mean, a lot of these relationships are sexual, right?”
“Yes, the majority are. I think what you are asking is if there is a pedophilic or incestuous component to the life-style. Absolutely not. The way we address our Doms simply allows us to freely and naturally release all control to them and they, in turn, unselfishly accept that they will provide for our inner-child’s need to be nurtured, protected and cared for. These types of Tops have much more responsibility with the age-play because they are being given the treasure of child-like trust by their subs.”
“I never realized it was so involved. Who are those people?”
“The nanny and her charges. We keep a nursery available for the families that want to mingle and not leave the youngsters unattended. Right now, we just have girls. Come, I’ll show you around.”
“Bryon told me not to leave his sight.” Kristina hesitated.
“He won’t care if you’re with me. Besides, he’s busy talking with Hank. Let me show you around and introduce you.”
Glancing in Bryon’s direction, Kristina nodded as she stood. The house was huge, with eight bedrooms and a multitude of assorted rooms. The pool was long and draped with palm trees, and there was a separate guest house, which had another four bedrooms. Kristina’s head was spinning with the opulence surrounding her and she begged her hostess to let her sit for a few minutes.
“You look like you’re a little overcome, my dear. Here, take a sip.” Hildy said, snatching a glass of champagne from a waiter carrying a tray. Kristina stood to accept the glass and downed it instantly. A second one followed. She was on her third glass when she backed into a wall.
Named Bryon.
One glance up into his handsome face told her that he was beyond angry. Very slowly, she handed him the glass she was holding.
“Didn’t I tell you no more drinking? And where did you go? You were supposed to stay in my sight.”
“Yes, but…”
“I told her it was ok to show her around. I gave her the champagne; she was overstimulated,” Hildy quickly interrupted.
Bryon frowned deeply, beckoning to Hank. “I’m sorry to inform you, but it appears that your little girl led mine into some serious trouble. However, she is not entirely at fault. Kristina, you have the ability to refuse when someone tells you to do something you know is wrong. Am I right?” Bryon asked firmly, glaring down at her. She wanted to crawl into a tiny ball and hide. She stared at the ground.
“Hildy? You’re older than Krissy. You know better than to talk a child into disobeying their parent. And alcohol? None of the children are permitted that. Go get your paddle.”
“Oh no, Uncle Hank, please…” Hildy looked genuinely terrified. Kristina grabbed Bryon’s hand and tried to hide under his arm. People were gathering around, sensing something was about to occur.
“Do you have class in the morning?” he asked, seeing her nod, “Very well. Hank? When we are done here, do you mind if I borrow one of your rooms? My little one is about to experience her very first introduction to my hand.”
“Of course, my friend. Use any room you like. I also have a favor to ask of you.” Hank accepted the paddle from his trembling wife who stood silently, hands behind her back and looking very contrite.
“Certainly. What do you need?”
“Seeing that my Hildy coerced your Krissy into wrongdoings, it’s my opinion that she should experience a little of what her new friend will get from her Papa. Would you please do the honors?”
Kristina watched, horrified, as Bryon agreed and sat comfortably on the edge of the sitting room couch. He beckoned to Hildy who approached him, shaking like a leaf. She had heard rumors about Bryon’s legendary left hand. Hank signaled her to obey.
Bryon easily pulled her across his lap and slowly pulled the short skirt of the jumper up past her hips, exposing pink cotton panties with poodles. He rested that legendary hand on the center of her bottom, covering the entire span of both cheeks.
“Please feel free to take down those panties and show everyone what a naughty fanny looks like,” Hank said.
“Thank you, I certainly will. After I make the introductions,” Bryon said lifting his hand. The room held its breath, waiting for the blow. The sound of his palm against Hildy’s flesh made a resounding CRACK that reverberated against the walls. Kristina gasped, watching the poor woman’s face as she fought not to let go with a loud yell. Bryon’s ha
nd lifted a second time and landed at the spot where Hildy’s panties outlined the lower part of her bottom. She shrieked, struggling to move.
There was no escaping Mount Bryon.
Twice more, the giant hand made contact with the woman’s fleshy backside and tears started to pour.
“He’s hurting her!” Kristina whispered to Hank, clutching his hand fearfully.
“It hurts, but there is no permanent damage. That’s why God gave you girls such cushy tushes.” The man teased, unbothered that his wife/little girl was lying across Bryon’s lap, having her little cotton panties pulled down to her knees.
Already, her bottom was turning a rich shade of pink, just a tad darker than the jumper she wore. Bryon looked over at Kristina and saw the alarmed expression on her face as he lifted his hand and began to spank Hildy in earnest. One after another, the smacks followed suite as they landed on the pale skin of her tender bottom crease and upper thighs. Hildy wailed loudly, begging forgiveness, promising to never do anything bad again, even begging for the paddle in lieu of Bryon’s hand. Of course, each Top there found that last request amusing, seeing that they could use Bryon as a threat to get their little girls to behave better.
“You want the paddle? Hank? May I, please?” Bryon asked, holding out his hand. Hank snickered, handing it to him and ignoring the pleading look given him by his tear-stained wife.
“How many drinks did you give Krissy?”
“Three, Mr. Bryon.” The woman continued to cry, trying to catch her breath and wanting to rub away the pain from her scorched behind.
“Three strokes you will get. Count after each one, thank your Uncle for loving you enough to let me teach you this lesson, and then say you’re sorry to Krissy.”
“Bryon, no!” Kristina begged. Bryon ignored her. He lifted the paddle and cracked it heavily across Hildy’s sit spots. She screamed, new tears flowing as she shook her head, unable to speak.
“Still want the paddle instead of my hand?” Bryon asked with amusement. Twitters filled the room with comments regarding his refined technique. Kristina stared. These people admired him?
“I’m still not hearing anything, young lady.”